This illustration shows just one example of how the channels of your power mixer can be used, including the connection of mono and stereo sources, and the tape ins and outs recording the mix signal or playing back external signals.
Fig. 5.3: Standard set-up (example)
One example of how to use your power mixer with a subwoofer in bridged mono mode. The illustration shows the PMH880S with a subwoofer connected to OUTPUT B that will receive the full (bridged) output power. A separate stereo power amp (BEHRINGER EUROPOWER EP1500) for the stereo main P.A. signal is connected to the PRE AMP MAIN outputs. The PRE AMP MONITOR output is wired to active speakers on the stage. This application can also be realized with the PMH660M, except for the main P.A. signal, which would be mono.
Fig. 5.4: EUROPOWER in bridged mono mode