Fluke Recording Equipment manual Report Settings

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User’s Guide – version 3.1.3

NetFlow Tracker

Report Settings

This page lets you configure various values affecting the way reports and charts appear in NetFlow Tracker.

Rows per tabular report page is the number of rows shown on each page of a tabular report. Note that the device and interface status reports show all rows on a single page.

Elements considered per chart/long-term block determines the accuracy of a real- time or long-term chart, and of a long-term tabular report. When a chart is generated only the largest elements are considered from each block when determining the elements to chart. Since it is possible that the highest elements overall may not be the highest elements in each block of the chart, it is important that more elements are considered from each block than the eventual number of charted elements.

Charted elements is the maximum number of elements displayed on a chart, excluding the “Others” element.

Long-term tabular report rows is the maximum number of rows displayed on a long-term tabular report. Note that setting this value higher than the number of rows per tabular report page has no effect. Also note that the accuracy of a long- term tabular report depends upon the number of elements considered per chart block.

Default real-time report time range is the time span used for any real-time report or chart where one is not specified – thus it is the time range of the device, interface and AS status reports and charts and the default time range selected in the filter editor.

Reload interval is the number of minutes between automatic refreshes of the device, interface and AS status reports and charts.

Show hostnames in reports controls whether reports and charts are opened with all resolvable hostnames resolved and shown by default.

Show chart legends in descending order controls whether the rows of a chart legend are shown in the same order as the corresponding tabular report, or in the same order as the areas are drawn on the chart.

Show interface descriptions controls whether the description of an interface is used, when available, in filter descriptions instead of the name.

Work around "click to activate" enables or disables the work around for the “click to activate and use this control” message that appears over the chart applets in Internet Explorer and Opera. Some combinations of operating system, browser and Java plug-in do not work correctly when this is enabled; if you notice that the applets do not show up or drilling down does not work you should try disabling this work around,

Standard long-term reports are disabled controls whether the standard set of per- device and per-interface long-term reports are disabled.

Default long-term report time range is the time span used for any long-term report where one is not specified.


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Contents NetFlow Tracker Grant of Licence and Payment of Fees Software License AgreementCopyright Customer Remedies Confidential Information and Security User’s Guide version NetFlow Tracker Definitions Supplier’s Undertakings Support ServicesSupport Charges Undertakings by YouLimitation of Liability and indemnity Intellectual Property RightsTermination Miscellaneous Confidential Information and SecurityExceptions to Support Services Support HoursResponse Times Contents LONG-TERM Reports Appendix 2 CSV File Format Introduction What is NetFlow?What is NetFlow Tracker? Features and BenefitsUser’s Guide version NetFlow Tracker Operating System Support InstallationPre-installation Checks Minimum System RequirementsInstallation on Microsoft Windows Installation on Solaris and Linux Post-installation Tasks Add listener ports Set up Snmp community stringsSet up web front-end security Configure your routers and switchesUsing NetFlow Tracker Interfaces Device traffic metersPer-AS data Working with ChartsChanging the displayed chart Chart legendZooming out View a standard chart as a pie chartView a standard chart as a tabular report ZoomingWorking with Pie Charts Working with Tabular Reports User’s Guide version NetFlow Tracker Report Templates Address ReportsSession Reports QoS Reports Network ReportsInterface Reports Report Template Creating Filtered ReportsTraffic Identification Reports Other ReportsEnd Time Sample SizeSource Data Start TimeOut VPN Out InterfaceIn/Out Interface VPNDiffServ Recognised ApplicationIdentified Application ToSDestination Mask Destination SubnetSource/Destination Subnet Source MaskFilter Editor Long-term ReportsDevices and Interfaces Per-device and Per-interface Long-term ReportsUser’s Guide version NetFlow Tracker Executive Reports Report URL Format General FormReport Format Parameters 0025 Chart0023 0024Heading NumberTrue False256 FeaturesSections 128Time Range Parameters Mon HourDay WeekCalendar-based advanced HHmm Applying a time-of-day mask to the time rangeDay1-day2/time1-time2 113 110105 100125 115120 140Daily 285300 MinuteFilter Parameters Name Port/namePort/number Prec TosPrec%20tos Code ByteAddr/mask Password PasswordSecurity Parameters Management Portal Access Control Parameters SecretNull Aclid specifies a permitted long-term report Features Query Size Performance TuningDatabase Server Settings Disk SpeedListener Ports Configuration GuideSnmp Settings LicensingDevice Settings Device SettingsDevice List Archiving Traffic ClassesIdentified Applications Security Settings VPNsDeleting a Device Management Portal Settings Report Settings Saved Filters Long-term ReportsExecutive Reports Span class=repdesctextTest/span Nelements=5 and chartWidth=400 ContentSub-reports User’s Guide version NetFlow Tracker Hostname Resolution Settings IP Application NamesDiffServ Names Database Settings AS NamesSubnet Names User’s Guide version NetFlow Tracker Archiving BackupPerformance Counters Memory SettingsMissed Exports Unprocessed FlowsetsInterface Scans Missed FlowsIp flow-export destination address Appendix 1 Device ConfigurationEnabling Netflow Export on an IOS Device Ip cefShow ip cache flow Show ip cache verbose flow Ip flow-cache timeout activeIp flow-cache timeout inactive Show ip flow exportMls aging long Ip route-cache flow infer-fieldsMls netflow Mls nde sender versionUser’s Guide version NetFlow Tracker Set mls nde address Set mls bridged-flow-statistics enable vlanlistSet mls nde enable Set system name nameEnabling Flow Detail Records on a Packeteer Device Flow-sampler-map allflows mode random one-out-of 1 exitEnabling NetFlow on an Enterasys Device Address Using sflowtool to Convert sFlow Records to NetFlowChart CSV format Appendix 2 CSV File FormatTabular report CSV format Appendix 3 Third Party Software Components