TankWire, LPTank,GreaseClip and Battery | • LP GASTANKIS SOLDSEPARATELYFill. and |
and ignitorButtonAssembly | tankbeforeattachingto grill and regulator.See Useand |
[] Place LPtank intoholein basewithtankvalvefacing | Care sectionfor instructions. |
towardfront of grill. |
[] To secureLPtank, pull tankwire overthe side ofthe tank, |
towardthetank collar. |
[] See Useand Care sectionfor connectionof regulatorto LPtank.
[] Hanggreaseclipbeneathgrillbottom.See inset below.To collect grease,hangan emptysoupcan(not included)from greaseclip.
[] InsertAAAbattery('+"end first) intoignitionmodule,then twist ignitorbuttonontomodule.
•Tankcollaropeningmustface to frontof cart once tank is attached.
Failureto installtankcorrectlymay allowgas hoseto be damagedin operation,resultingin the riskof fire.
IgnitionModule AAABattery IgnitorButton
Failureto installcanin clipwill causehot greaseto dripfrom bottomof grillwith risk of fire or propertydamage.
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