Troubleshooting - | Electronic Ignition |
Nosparksappearat | ,Battery not installed | •Checkbatteryorientation. | •Installbattery(makesurethat"+" |
anyelectrodeswhen | properly. |
| connectorsareorientedcorrectly,with "+"endup |
controlknobturnedto |
| |
_" ; nonoisecan be |
| |
heardfromspark | •Deadbattery. | •Hasbatterybeenused | •Replacebatterywith |
module. |
| previously? |
| •Buttonassemblynot | •Checkto insurethreadsare | •Unscrewbuttoncapassemblyand reinstall,making |
| installedproperly. | properlyengaged.Button | sure threadsarealignedandengagedfully. |
| shouldtravelupanddown |
| withoutbinding. |
| •Faultysparkmodule. | •If nosparksaregenerated | •Replacesparkmoduleassembly. |
| withnew batteryandgood |
| wire connections,moduleis |
| faulty. |
SECTIONII | •Outputlead | •Are outputconnectionson | •Removeandreconnectalloutputconnectionsat |
Nosparksappearat | connectionsnot | andtight? | moduleandelectrodes. |
anyelectrodeswhen | connected. |
controlknobturnedto |
; noisecan be |
heardfromspark |
module. | L | _ |
SECTIONill | ,Outputlead | •Are outputconnectionson | •Removeandreconnectalloutputconnectionsat |
Sparksare present | connectionsnot | andtight? | moduleandelectrodes. |
butnot at all | connected. |
electrodesand/ornot |
at fullstrength | ,Electricalarc between | •If possible,observegrill in | •Ifsparksareobservedotherthanfromburner(s), |
| outputwiresandgrill | dark location.Operate | wire insulationmaybedamaged.Replacewires. |
| frame. | ignitionsystemandlookfor |
| arcingbetweenoutputwires |
| andgrillframe. |
| •Weakbattery. | •All sparkspresentbutweak | ,Replacebatterywitha |
| or at slowrate. |
| ,Electrodesarewet. | •Hasmoistureaccumulated | •Usepapertowelto removemoisture. |
| on electrodeand/orin burner |
| ports? |
| ,Electrodescrackedor | •Inspectelectrodesfor | •Replacecrackedor brokenelectrodes. |
| broken;Sparksat | cracks. |
| electrodecrack. |