Note: It is recommended that the cuff be applied as tightly as acceptable for the patient. A too loose cuff will cause much longer blood pressure measurement times and possibly aborted measurements. With an overly loose cuff, the monitor must pump to tighten the cuff on the arm and then it must reach the pressure necessary for measurement. This causes considerable inconvenience for the patient and results in less data for evaluation. If the patient removes the cuff for a period during the monitoring session, it should be
OMRON M24/7 recognizes and functions with three different cuff sizes. Please set the appropriate cuff size to be used during the programming of the device. Attention: inappropriate setting of the cuff size may lead to device malfunctioning, whichisinconvenientforthepatientandmayleadtoanunsuccessfulmeasurement.
Name | Bladder | Sleeve | Arm circumference |
| dimensions | dimensions | range* |
Small cuff (child) | 9 x 18 cm | 11 x 32 cm | under 24 cm |
Normal cuff | 12 x 25 cm | 15 x 56 cm | |
Large cuff | 15 x 33 cm | 17 x 77 cm |
*When properly applied, the end of the sleeve (the one closer to the tube) should fall in the indicated range.
The cuff is the component which, by de nition of the relevant standard, is protected against a de brillator discharge.
Substitution of a cuff different from that supplied might result in measurement error and/or in certain cases cause damage to the main monitor unit.
3. Care and Maintenance
3.1. Handling Errors and Problems
Below you can nd a list of potential error code displays, their meaning and a description of the error code.
Unsuccessful measurements |
E 1 aborted measurement | the measurement timeout is over, the |
| measurement had to be aborted (the |
| patient was moving) |
E 2 (Off) manually interrupted | the measurement was stopped by pressing |
| a button (the display differs from others: |
| “OFF” on the LCD) |