OS1592 Infrared Fiber Optic Thermometer/Transmitter 5
Routine maintenance is not required except for periodic
The optical fibers will provide satisfactory service indefinitely if handled with normal care. Although the fibers are protected by a steel jacket, they can be damaged if the jacket is stretched, twisted, shocked or tightly bent to a small radius. The ends should be protected from damage, contaminants, and temperatures above 371°C (700°F). OMEGA does not warrant broken or damaged fibers due to mishandling.
Fiber or lens damage or contamination should be suspected if there is a sudden change in the calibration of the unit.
Dust and particles on the lens or on the output end of the fiber bundle may be removed by use of an air jet or a soft brush. Dirt films and other accumulations should be removed by the use of soft cotton or a
If the fiber bundles are to be removed from the detector head assemblies for extended periods, the fiber bundle receptacles in the head should be taped or capped to prevent the entry of foreign matter.
A periodic check of the electrical ground connection can be helpful in preventing
Fiber cables are not interchangeable, as a fiber optic cable assembly is calibrated with the electronic unit as a system.
There is a gain adjustment for the fiber optic cable assembly inside the electronic box. This gain adjustment will compensate for any small shift in temperature reading due to aging of the fiber optic cable over time. Open the front cover of the Electronic Box. There is a small