A&D UA-767 Plus manual What Is Hypertension?, Can Hypertension Be Controlled?

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What Is Hypertension?

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is the diagnosis given when readings consistently rise above normal. It is well known that hypertension can lead to stroke, heart attack or other illness if left untreated. Referred to as a “silent killer” because it does not always produce symptoms that alert you to the problem, hypertension is treatable when diagnosed early.

Can Hypertension Be Controlled?

In many individuals, hypertension can be controlled by altering lifestyle and- minimizing stress, and by appropriate medication prescribed and monitored by your doctor. The American Heart Association recommends the following lifestyle suggestions to prevent or control hypertension:

Don’t smoke.


Have regular physical

Reduce salt and fat intake.



Maintain proper weight.


Monitor your blood


Exercise routinely.


pressure at periodic intervals.

Why Measure Blood Pressure at Home?

It is now well known that, for many individuals, blood pressure readings taken in a doctor’s office or hospital setting might be elevated as a result of apprehension and anxiety. This response is commonly called “white coat hypertension.” In any case, self-measurement at home supplements your doc- tor’s readings and provides a more accurate, complete blood pressure history. In addition, clinical studies have shown that the detection and treatment of hypertension is improved when patients both consult their physicians and monitor their own blood pressure at home.


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Contents Blood Pressure Monitor This Monitor is Clinically Validated Fast. Easy. Accurate ? What Display Symbols Mean Display Condition/Cause Recommended Symbol Action? HOW UA-767 Plus Works Before YOU StartTaking Your Blood Pressure Tips for Blood Pressure Monitoring What is AN Irregular Heartbeat About Cuff Inflation MeterAbout Memory What Affects Blood Pressure? What Is Blood Pressure?About Blood Pressure What Causes Variations In Blood Pressure?Why Measure Blood Pressure at Home? What Is Hypertension?Can Hypertension Be Controlled? How Do I Record My Blood Pressure? Establishing Baseline MeasurementsCustomer Support Tools Online Specifications We Can Help Tensiomètre numérique CE Moniteur EST Cliniquement Validé Rapide. Facile. Précis ? Description DES Symboles Affichés Symbole Condition/Cause Marche à suivre? Comment Fonctionne LE UA-767 Plus PréparatifsPrendre SA Pression Indices pour des mesures bien précisesQUEST-CE UN Rythme Cardiaque Irrégulier Indicateur DE Gonflage DU BrassardLA Mémoire Renseignements SUR LA Tension Artérielle La tension artérielle, c’est quoi ?Qu’est-ce que l’hypertension ? Pourquoi mesurer sa tension artérielle à la maison ?Comment inscrire son résultat ? Établissement des mesures de baseOutils d’appui aux clients en ligne Spécifications Poids g 10,6 oz sans pilesNous pouvons vous aider Monitor de Presión Arterial Este Monitor ES Clínicamente Válido Rápido. Fácil. Preciso ? Significado DE LOS Símbolos DE LA Pantalla Símbolo de Condición/causa Medida La pantalla Recomendada? Cómo Funciona EL UA-767 Plus Antes DE ComenzarPara Medirse LA Presión Arterial Consejos para medirse la presión arterialQUÉ ES UN Latido Cardiaco Acerca DEL Medidor DE Inflación DEL BrazaleteAcerca DE LA Memoria ¿Qué es la presión arterial? Acerca DE LA Presión Arterial¿Qué factores afectan la presión arterial? ¿Puede controlarse la hipertensión? ¿Qué es la hipertensión?¿Cuál es la ventaja de tomarse la presión arterial en casa? Estableciendo un Patrón de Medidas Utilidades de Soporte para el Cliente en el InternetEspecificaciones Peso g 10.6 onzas sin baterías¡IMPORTANTE Page Date SYS/DIA Pulse Pouls Fecha SIS/DIA Pulso Date SYS/DIA Pulse Pouls Fecha SIS/DIA Pulso We Can Help