I V . T H E J E T 1
The utility tray is located at the rear of your Jet 1. The utility tray is exposed through the body shroud. The utility tray consists of the battery charger power outlet, the ammeter, the main circuit breaker, and the controller harness connectors.
νAmmeter: The ammeter displays the charger’s current output in amps. See figure 4. For more information, see IX. “Batteries and Charging.”
νBattery charger power outlet: This is where the battery charger power cord is to be plugged in. See figure 4. The battery charger power cord is not attached to the unit at all times. See figure 3. For more information, see IX. “Batteries and Charging.”
νMain circuit breaker: The main circuit breaker is a safety feature built into your Jet 1. See figure 4. When the batteries and the motors are heavily strained (e.g., from excessive loads), the main circuit breaker will trip to prevent damage to the motors and the electronics. If the circuit trips, allow your Jet 1 to “rest” for approximately one minute. Next, push in the circuit breaker reset button, turn on the joystick controller, and continue normal operation. If the main circuit breaker continues to trip repeatedly, contact your authorized Pride provider.
νController harness connectors: This is where the joystick connects to the motors, the batteries, and the charger. Since your Jet 1 is equipped with a Dynamic controller, there are two connectors on the tray. See figure 4.
Figure 4. Utility Tray
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