Golden Technologies GL140, GL110 owner manual LiteRider Owner’s Manual, Rev.A122810

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LiteRider™ Owner’s Manual


Image 42 Golden Technologies GL140, GL110 owner manual LiteRider Owner’s Manual, Rev.A122810
Contents Owner’s Manual Y O U R L I F E I N M O T I O NMODELS GL110/GL140 LiteRider Owner’s Manual Rev.A122810LiteRider Models GL110/GL140 Standard Packing List 1 Owner’s Manual CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION FEATURES AND BENEFITS Figure 1. LiteRider Features 4-wheelACCESSORIES FOR THE LITERIDER SCOOTER BEFORE GETTING ON YOUR LITERIDER II. SAFETYMAXIMUM WEIGHT GETTING ON YOUR LITERIDERFigure 2. Going Up an Incline DRIVING ON INCLINESLiteRider maximum recommend incline is DRIVING DOWN A DECLINE3. Dismount your LiteRider Procedure 1 - Under PowerProcedure 2 - Emergency No Power 2. Dismount your LiteRiderRULES FOR USE AND OTHER SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS MEDICATIONRULES FOR USE AND OTHER SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS - continued III. EMI/RFI EMI/RFI AND YOUR LITERIDERIV. YOUR GOLDEN LiteRider Figure 4. Your Golden LiteRider 3-wheelFOR YOUR RECORDS GL-110 SpecificationWeight of Unit assembled TiresStandard Seat SpecificationsWarranty Optional SeatV. OPERATION Speed Adjustment DialKey Switch CONTROL PANELDelta Tiller Throttle Control Lever DC Battery Voltage MeterDELTA TILLER ADJUSTMENT To drive forward use either of the followingFigure 6. Armrest Width Adjustment Armrest Width AdjustmentSeat Height Adjustment Figure 7. Flip-up/Angle AdjustmentFREEWHEEL MODE Figure 9. Freewheel Mode Brake DisengagedFigure 10. Drive Mode Brake Engaged VI. RIDING YOUR LiteRider Figure 11. Key Switch OffFigure 12. Key Switch On MOUNTINGBASIC DRIVING SteeringSteering in a Tight Spot Steering in ReverseIf you must stop your LiteRider while driving up a ramp Ramps When proceeding up any ramp, curb, or inclineCONTROL THROUGH TIGHT SPOTS Driving down a rampFigure 14. Removing the Battery Pack VII. DISASSEMBLYDISASSEMBLY Remove the Battery PackFigure 17. Releasing the Drivetrain Figure 16. Lowered TillerSeparate the Drivetrain from the Frame Figure 18. Lifting the FrameVIII. ASSEMBLY Figure 19. LiteRider Components 4-wheelFigure 21. Battery Pack Installation Reinstall the DrivetrainWATCH FINGER PLACEMENT! BE CAREFUL NOT TO PINCH YOUR FINGERS Install the Battery PackFigure 23. Installing the Seat Install the Under-the-Seat and Tiller BasketsInstall the Seat Unlock the TillerIX. TRANSPORTING YOUR LITERIDER Figure 24. LiteRider Models GL110/140To Transport Your LiteRider CLEANING YOUR LiteRider Tires X. CARE AND MAINTENANCEROUTINE MAINTENANCE BodyTo Charge the Batteries Battery MaintenanceBATTERIES AND CHARGING Figure 25. Charging BatteriesPossible causes for the main circuit breaker to trip IF YOUR LiteRider DOES NOT OPERATEFigure 27. Main Circuit Breaker RemedyBeep Codes 1 Beep DIAGNOSTICSResetting the Main Circuit Breaker 2 Beeps4 Beeps 5 Beeps6 Beeps 7 Beeps 8 Beeps9 Beeps Scooters Effective June XI. WARRANTYConsumer Limited Warranty Lifetime Limited WarrantyOne-Year Limited Warranty Golden Technologies’ Consumer Limited WarrantyScooters continued Warranty ExclusionsOWNER INFORMATION XII. WARRANTY/REGISTRATION FORMGolden Technologies Product Registration Form PRODUCT INFORMATIONRev.A122810 Fold Here First Place Stamp Here Golden Technologies 401 Bridge St Old Forge, PA Fold Here SecondLiteRider Owner’s Manual Models GL110/GL140 Y O U R L I F E I N M O T I O NLiteRiderOM122810