Pride Mobility Jazzy 1122 A R E a N D M a I N T E N a N C E, Routine Maintenance, Temperature

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X . C A R E A N D M A I N T E N A N C E


Your Jazzy is a sophisticated power chair. Like any motorized vehicle, it requires routine maintenance checks.You can perform some of these checks, but others require assistance from an authorized Pride provider. Preventive maintenance is very important. If you follow the maintenance checks in this section as scheduled, you can help ensure that your Jazzy gives you years of trouble-free operation. If you have any doubt as to your Jazzy’s care or operation, contact your authorized Pride provider.

Your Jazzy, like most electrical equipment, is susceptible to damage from the elements.Avoid damp areas of any kind.

CAUTION! Direct exposure to water or dampness could cause the power chair to malfunction electronically and mechanically. Water can cause electrical components to corrode and the chair’s frame to rust.

Should your Jazzy come in contact with water:

1.Dry your Jazzy as thoroughly as possible with a dry towel.

2.Allow your Jazzy to sit in a warm, dry place for 12 hours to allow unseen water to evaporate.

3.Check the joystick operation and the brakes before using your Jazzy again.

4.If any inconsistencies are found, take your Jazzy to an authorized Pride provider.


Some of the parts of your Jazzy are susceptible to extreme changes in temperature. Always keep your Jazzy between the temperatures of 18° F/-8° C/ and 122° F/50° C.

νIn extremely cold temperatures the batteries may freeze. The specific temperature at which they freeze de- pends on a number of factors, such as battery charge, usage, and composition of the batteries (e.g., sealed lead-acid or gel cell).

νTemperatures above 122° F/50° C may cause your Jazzy to operate at a reduced speed. This reduced speed is a safety feature built into the controller that helps prevent damage to the motor and other electrical compo- nents. See VIII. “Operation.”


νAvoid knocking or bumping the controller, especially the joystick.

νAvoid prolonged exposure of your Jazzy to extreme conditions, such

as heat, cold, or moisture.


ν Keep the controller clean.


ν Check all controller connectors on the electronics tray to ensure that they


are all tight and secured properly.Also check the charger harness connec-




ν When the battery condition meter is completely lit, the batteries are


fully charged, and the controller and the electrical system are OK.


ν If one red bar on the battery condition meter is blinking slowly, the


batteries are low and need to be charged, but the controller and the


electrical system are OK.

Figure 40. Check Tire Pressure

νIf the battery condition meter is blinking rapidly, the controller has de- tected a fault in either its own circuits or in your Jazzy’s circuits. See VIII. “Operation.”

νMake sure the drive tires are inflated to 30 – 35 psi. See figure 40.




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Contents Exeter, PA St. Catharines, on F E T Y G U I D E L I N E S N T E N T S N T R O D U C T I O N Information ExchangePride Owners Club My Authorized Pride Provider isQuick Reference Information Pre-Ride Safety Check S a F E T YModifications Weight Limitations Tire InflationIncline Information Braking Information Cornering InformationFreewheel Mode Outdoor Driving SurfacesStationary Obstacles Steps, Curbs, etc Public Streets and Roadways Stairs and Escalators DoorsElevators EMI & RFIMotor Vehicle Transport TransfersPositioning Belts Inclement Weather Precautions Reaching and Bending BatteriesPreventing Unintended movement Prescription Drugs/Physical Limitations AlcoholRemovable Parts EMI/RFI-FREQUENTLY Asked Questions Faqs Where do radio waves come from?I . E M I / R F Are all powered wheelchairs susceptible to EMI/RFI? What is the FDA doing about the problem?What should I do if my power chair moves unexpectedly? T H E J a Z Z Y 1 1 2 JazzyArmrest Width Adjustment Knobs Electronics Tray Electronics TrayFreewheel Lever To operate the manual freewheel leverACTIVE-TRAC Suspension Rear SuspensionSpecifications To install the seat Joystick InstallationTo install the joystick S S E M B L YPower Seat Option Installation To install the power seatSynergy Seat or Versa Tilt Option Seatback Angle Adjustment To adjust the seatback angleC O M F O R T a D J U S T M E N T S To change the seat height or seat angleArmrest Width Armrest AngleArmrest Height Optional Joystick ExtensionSWING-AWAY Joystick Footrest HeightFootrest Depth Footrest AnglePower Elevating Seat Option Elevating LEG Rests OptionReclining Seat Option Power Seat Warnings and Cautions To adjust the headrest heightHIGH-BACK with Headrest Optional ANTI-TIP Wheel Adjustment To adjust the anti-tip wheelsI . D I S a S S E M B L Y Seat RemovalFoot Frame Removal I I . O P E R a T I O N Pilot ControllerJoystick On/Off ButtonBattery Condition Meter Controller ConnectorPin Charger Inhibit Connector Speed Control KnobThermal Rollback Trouble CodesRemote Plus Controller KeypadMode Key Speed Setting IndicatorPower Accessory Indicator Right/Left Turn Indicator KeysSpeed Settings To select a speed settingPower Accessories Power Module Sleep ModeController Communications Cable Actuator Lighting Module Not ShownTrouble Codes Out Of Neutral At Power Up Europa Master RemoteTo enable the lockout system System Status LightMagnetic Locking Area To change the drive mode program Drive Mode and Actuator Display also Remote Status DisplayBattery Saver Feature Drive Program Select KeySleep Mode If Enabled Trouble Code Sequence Diagnosis SolutionB a T T E R I E S a N D C H a R G I N G BatteriesCharging the Batteries To charge the batteries using the onboard charger To charge the batteries using the off-board chargerBattery BREAK-IN Can I use a different battery charger?How often must I charge the batteries? What type of battery should I use? Battery SpecificationsWhy do my new batteries seem weak? How can I get maximum range or distance per charge?How can I ensure maximum battery life? How should I store my Jazzy and its batteries?What about public transportation? What about shipping?Routine Maintenance TemperatureA R E a N D M a I N T E N a N C E Should your Jazzy come in contact with waterDaily Checks Weekly ChecksTo check the brakes Cleaning Instructions Tires and Tubes To calibrate the joystick Remote Plus onlyMonthly Checks Yearly ChecksBattery Replacement To replace the batteryFollow these easy steps for a quick and safe repair Corrective Maintenance When to see Your Authorized Pride Provider for ServiceMotor Brushes To inspect or replace the motor brushesO P T I O N a L a C C E S S O R I E S I . W a R R a N T Y Warranty Exclusions Damage caused byQuality Control Model Pride keeps a more detailed report on file at the factory