Pride Mobility 1170XL manual S a F E T Y, Product Safety Symbols

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I I . S A F E T Y


The symbols below are used on the power chair to identify warnings, mandatory actions, and prohibited actions. It is very important for you to read and understand them completely.

Read and follow the information in the owner’s manual.

Do not allow unsupervised children to play near the power chair while the battery is charging.

Keep your hands away from the tires when driving. Be aware that loose fitting clothing can become caught in drive tires.

Use correct tie-down points for controller harness to prevent the harness from getting caught in the drive tires, pinched in the seat frame, or damaged when passing through doorways.

Avoid exposure to rain, snow, ice, salt, or standing water whenever possible. Maintain and store in a clean and dry condition.

Wear safety goggles.

Jazzy 1170 XL Plus Series


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Contents Jazzy 1170XL Plus Quick Reference Information F E T Y G U I D E L I N E SIII N T E N T SN T R O D U C T I O N SafetyPURCHASER’S Agreement Shipping and DeliveryS a F E T Y Product Safety SymbolsS a F E T Y S a F E T Y Modifications Pre-Ride Safety CheckGeneral Guidelines Incline Information Weight LimitationsTire Inflation Cornering Information Freewheel ModeBraking Information Stationary Obstacles Steps, Curbs, etc Inclement Weather PrecautionsPublic Streets and Roadways Outdoor Driving Surfaces Doors Stairs and EscalatorsElevators Lift System/Elevation ProductsBatteries Positioning BeltsPrescription Drugs/Physical Limitations TransfersAlcohol/Smoking I . Y O U R P O W E R C H a I R Jazzy 1170 XL Plus Series Power ChairElectronics Tray Jazzy 1170XL Plus Series Power Base Shroud RemovedActive-Trac Suspension Manual Freewheel Levers To engage or disengage the freewheel featureA S S E M B L Y Initial AssemblyTo install the seat Seat InstallationYou may need the following to make comfort adjustments Comfort AdjustmentsSeat Height and Seat Angle Adjustment O M F O R T a D J U S T M E N T SSeatback Angle Adjustment Manual Recline Seatback AdjustmentArmrest Width Adjustment Armrest Height AdjustmentTo change the armrest angle Armrest Angle AdjustmentController Position To extend the controllerAnti-Tip Wheels Foot Platform Height AdjustmentFoot Platform Angle Adjustment To adjust the positioning belt for operator comfort To install the positioning beltPositioning Belt To release the positioning beltCharging the Batteries B a T T E R I E S a N D C H a R G I N GBatteries and Charging Frequently Asked Questions FAQs Battery Break-in„ Daily Use Why do my new batteries seem weak?„ Infrequent Use How can I get maximum range or distance per charge?How should I store my power chair and its batteries? How can I ensure maximum battery life?What about public transportation? What about shipping?Should your power chair come in contact with water Care and MaintenanceTemperature I . C a R E a N D M a I N T E N a N C EWeekly Checks Daily ChecksTo check the brakes Monthly ChecksCleaning and Disinfection Disposal of Your Power ChairWheel Replacement Yearly ChecksJazzy 1170XL Plus Series Drive Wheel Battery ReplacementYou may need the following to replace your batteries When to See Your Authorized Pride Provider for ServiceCorrective Maintenance Specifications P E N D I X I Specification SJazzy 1170XL Plus Dimensions and Ground Clearance T E S Page Product Serial # Quality Control Jazzy 1170XL Plus Series