Braun 730 manual Hrvatski, Opis, Punjenje brijaçeg aparata, Upozorenje

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Na‰i su proizvodi dizajnirani tako da zadovoljavaju najvi‰e standarde kvalitete, funkcionalnosti i dizajna. Nadamo se da çete i Vi u potpunosti uÏivati u upotrebi svojeg novog Braun aparata za brijanje.


Va‰ sustav za brijanje ima specijalni prikljuãni kabel s ugra∂enim sigurnosnim niskonaponskim sustavom. Nemojte mijenjati ili samostalno rukovati bilo kojim dijelom kabela, jer se tako izlaÏete opasnosti od strujnog udara.

Nije predviđeno da ovaj uređaj koriste djeca ili osobe smanjenih fizičkih ili mentalnih sposobnosti, osim ako ih ne nadgleda osoba odgovorna za njihovu sigurnost. Općenito, preporučamo da ovaj uređaj držite van dohvata djece.


1Kaseta s mreÏicom i blokom noÏa

2 Gumb za otpu‰tanje kasete

3 Prekidaã za blokiranje glave aparata za

brijanje «lock»

4 Integrirani nastavak za podrezivanje duÏih


5 Prekidaã za ukljuãivanje/iskljuãivanje

6 Gumb za resetiranje «reset»

7 Zaslon aparata za brijanje

8 Utiãnica za prikljuãni kabel

9 Prikljuãni kabel

0 Putna kutija

Punjenje brijaçeg aparata

Najbolja temperatura za punjenje je od 5 °C do 35 °C.

Prikljuãnim kabelom 9 prikljuãite iskljuãeni aparat u izvor elektriãne energije i pustite da se puni najmanje sat vremena.

Potpuno puna baterija pruÏa do 50 minuta brijanja bez kabela. To moÏe ovisiti i o rastu va‰e brade.

Ako su baterije prazne prikljuãnim kabelom moÏete prikljuãiti aparat na izvor elektriãne energije.


Image 32
Contents Series English Français Polski 750 Charging EnglishDescription Cleaning Shaver displayShaving Tips for the perfect shaveKeeping your shaver in top shape 70SFor UK only GuaranteeEnvironmental notice Français Chargement du rasoirAfficheur du rasoir RasageNettoyage Conseils pour un rasage parfaitRemplacement de la cassette Foil & Cutter / réinitialisation Entretien de votre rasoirInformations relatives à l’environnement GarantieClause spéciale pour la France Polski OpisOpis urzàdzenia Ostrze˝enieWyÊwietlacz golarki GolenieCzyszczenie Wskazówki, jak goliç si´ dok∏adnieWymiana kasety z folià i ostrzami / resetowanie KonserwacjaUwagi dotyczàce ochrony Êrodowiska Warunki gwarancjiPage Varování PopisNabíjení holicího strojku Displej holicího strojku HoleníÂi‰tûní Tipy pro perfektní oholeníJak udrÏovat holicí strojek ve ‰piãkovém stavu Poznámka k Ïivotnímu prostfiedí ZárukaPage Nabíjanie holiaceho strojãeka UpozornenieDisplej holiaceho strojãeka HolenieÂistenie Tipy pre najlep‰ie holenieUdrÏanie holiaceho strojãeka v ‰piãkovej forme Poznámka k Ïivotnému prostrediu Page Magyar LeírásBorotva töltése FigyelmeztetésBorotva kijelzŒ BorotválkozásTisztítás Ötletek a tökéletes borotváláshozTartsa borotváját a legjobb állapotban Környezetvédelmi megjegyzés GaranciaHrvatski OpisPunjenje brijaçeg aparata UpozorenjeZaslon aparata za brijanje BrijanjeÂi‰çenje Savjeti za savr‰eno brijanjeZamjena kasete s mreÏicom i blokom noÏa/resetiranje OdrÏavanje aparata za brijanje u najboljem stanjuNapomena o brizi za okoli‰ Jamstveni listOpozorilo SlovenskiPolnjenje brivnika Zaslon brivnika BritjeÂi‰ãenje Namigi za brezhibno britjeVzdrÏevanje brivnika v brezhibnem stanju Zamenjava mreÏice in bloka rezil / ponovni zagonVa‰ prispevek k varovanju okolja GarancijaTürkçe TanımlarTıraµ makinesini µarj etme UyarıTıraş makinesi bilgi ekranı Tıraş olmaTemizlik Mükemmel tıraş için ipuçlarıTıraş makinenizi her zaman en üst düzeyde tutmak için Elek bıçak kasetini değiştirmekÇevre ile ilgili uyarılar ‰ÛÔÂʉÂÌË ÉÔËÒ‡Ìˇfl‰Í‡ ·ËÚ‚˚ Ñëòôîâè ÅËÚ‚˚ ÓËÒÚ͇ÈÓ‰‰ÂʇÌË ˝ÙÙÂÍÚË‚ÌÓÒÚË ‡·ÓÚ˚ ·ËÚ‚˚ ‡‡ÌÚËÈÌ˚ ӷflÁ‡ÚÂθÒÚ‚‡ ÙËÏ˚ BraunËÎÛ˜‡Ë, ̇ ÍÓÚÓ˚ „‡‡ÌÚËfl Ì ‡ÒÔÓÒÚ‡ÌflÂÚÒfl ‚ÌÂÒÂÌË ÚÂıÌ˘ÂÒÍËı Ëáïâìâìëè ÏÂı‡Ì˘ÂÒÍË ÔÓ‚ÂʉÂÌËfl‚ ÒÂ‚ËÒÌÓÏ ˆÂÌÚ ÈÓÔÂ‰ÊÂÌÌfl ÉÔËÒ‡fl‰Í‡ ÂÎÂÍÚÓ·ËÚ‚Ë ÓˢÂÌÌfl ß̉Ë͇ÚÓ ÂÎÂÍÚÓ·ËÚ‚ËÉÓÎ¥ÌÌfl ¥‰ÚËχÌÌfl ÓÔÚËχθÌËı ‡‡ÍÚÂËÒÚËÍ Ç‡¯Óª ÂÎÂÍÚÓ·ËÚ‚Ë Ê„ÛÎflÌ ˜Ë˘ÂÌÌfl Á‡·ÂÁÔ˜Ûπ Í‡˘¥ÖÍÓÎÓ„¥˜Ì ÔÓÔÂ‰ÊÂÌÌfl Page ‰ÂÙÂÍÚË, ‚ËÍÎË͇̥ ÙÓÒ-χÊÓÌËÏË Ó·ÒÚ‡‚Ë̇ÏË Page Page Rlease Page 720/730 Stop

730 specifications

The Braun 730, part of the acclaimed Braun Series 7 line of electric shavers, has garnered attention for its cutting-edge technology and ergonomic design. Tailored to provide an exceptional shaving experience, the Braun 730 combines innovative features that cater to the diverse needs of users.

One of the standout characteristics of the Braun 730 is its unique Intelligent Sonic Technology, which is designed to read the density of facial hair. This shaver emits micro-vibrations that help to lift and cut hair more effectively, resulting in a closer and more comfortable shave. This feature is particularly beneficial for those with varying hair thickness, allowing the shaver to adapt and perform optimally across different areas of the face.

Additionally, the Braun 730 is equipped with AutoSense Technology, which adjusts the power of the motor according to hair density. This ensures that the shaver delivers a customized performance, providing extra power for denser areas while conserving energy on lighter patches. This adaptability not only enhances shaving efficiency but also minimizes irritation for sensitive skin.

The flexible head of the Braun 730 can pivot in multiple directions, allowing it to closely follow the contours of the face and neck. This design feature ensures that hard-to-reach areas are not missed, resulting in an even shave and reducing the need for multiple passes. Combined with its precision trimmer, which is ideal for shaping sideburns and mustaches, the Braun 730 is a versatile grooming tool.

In terms of convenience, the Braun 730 features a waterproof design, enabling users to shave in the shower or easily clean the shaver under running water. The device also comes with a cleaning and charging dock that provides hassle-free maintenance. With the touch of a button, the cleaning station automatically cleans, lubricates, and charges the shaver, ensuring that it is always ready for use.

Battery life is another important consideration, and the Braun 730 does not disappoint. With up to an hour of shaving time on a single full charge, it is perfect for both daily use and travel. A quick five-minute charge can provide enough power for a single shave, enhancing its convenience for users on the go.

Overall, the Braun 730 stands out with its combination of advanced technologies, ergonomic design, and ease of use. Whether for regular grooming or special occasions, this electric shaver delivers a superior shaving experience that meets the needs of modern users.