E&J Traveler HTC manual Install push Handle / Anti-fold Bar

Page 14

Install push Handle / Anti-fold Bar

M10 wrench, M4 hex key

1.Slide the push handle / anti-fold bar over both back posts as shown at right.

2.Install the nuts and bolts that secure the push handle / anti-fold bar on both sides as shown at right. Use an M10 wrench and M4 hex key to tighten.

push handle / anti-fold bar

back post

install push handle /

anti-fold bar

push handle / anti-fold bar



secure push handle /

anti-fold bar


3J01-INS-LAB-RevA12 • Traveler HTC User Manual

Image 14
Contents Hospital Transport Chair Manual Wheelchair Contents INTRodUCTIoN ReAd this Manual BefoRe opeRATING yoUR wHeeLCHAIRPage IMpoRTANT SAfeTy pReCAUTIoNS Page Page GeTTING STARTed TRANSfeR ACTIvITIeS HANdLING TIpSBALANCe Backward ReACHING / BeNdINGForward or sideward Descent RAMpS ANd INCLINeSAscent Curbs ANd STepS ASSeMBLy Install push Handle / Anti-fold Bar Install Anti-Theft pole Install elevating Legrests or optional footrests AdJUSTMeNTS ReAR wHeeLS & CASTeRSInstall Arm Remove ArmELevATING LeGReST, SwINGAwAy Attach elevating Legrest or optional footrestAdjust Legrest elevation Adjust elevating Legrest panel positionRepeat steps 1-3 for the other footplate extension Adjust wheel Locks Tighten CrossbracesMAINTeNANCe Do-It-yourself MaintenanceList of Tools General CareCheck wheel Lock engagement Check Tire wearCheck Handrims Check Anti-TippersCheck Backposts / push Handle Check Rear wheel AdjustmentCheck Arms Check elevating Legrests and optional footrestsCheck wheel Bearings Cleaning your Traveler HTCCheck Casters TRoUBLeSHooTING SymptomLIMITed wARRANTy Traveler HTC Manual WheelchairPage Index