E&J manual Cleaning your Traveler HTC, Check Casters, Check wheel Bearings

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Cleaning your Traveler HTC

Wipe off the frame frequently, at least once a week, using a soft cloth. Dry the wheelchair immediately if exposed to moisture. Clean the frame every three months with a mild soap and water solution. The frame does not need to be waxed. Do not use solvents, abrasive waxes, caustic chemicals or spray silicone. Never use abrasive cleansers; they could scratch the finish. Never use steam or high pressure cleaners. Clean upholstery and plastic components at least once a month with a mild soap and water solution.

Check Casters

Check the caster stems for proper rotation at least every three months. The caster forks must swivel freely to facilitate steering and handling. If caster stem adjustment is too loose, the caster will flutter or shimmy; if too tight, the wheelchair will be difficult to steer. If the caster stems require adjustment, or the stem bearings require replacement, contact your Graham-Field authorized distributor. Ensure that stems are firmly attached to forks, and that forks and stems are not bent. Evaluate all threads, locking nuts and bearings.

Check wheel Bearings

Have your Graham-Field authorized distributor check caster and rear wheel axle bearings at least every six months.

3J01-INS-LAB-RevA12 • Traveler HTC User Manual


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Contents Hospital Transport Chair Manual Wheelchair Contents ReAd this Manual BefoRe opeRATING yoUR wHeeLCHAIR INTRodUCTIoNPage IMpoRTANT SAfeTy pReCAUTIoNS Page Page GeTTING STARTed HANdLING TIpS BALANCeTRANSfeR ACTIvITIeS ReACHING / BeNdING Forward or sidewardBackward RAMpS ANd INCLINeS AscentDescent Curbs ANd STepS ASSeMBLy Install push Handle / Anti-fold Bar Install Anti-Theft pole Install elevating Legrests or optional footrests ReAR wHeeLS & CASTeRS AdJUSTMeNTSRemove Arm Install ArmAttach elevating Legrest or optional footrest ELevATING LeGReST, SwINGAwAyAdjust elevating Legrest panel position Adjust Legrest elevationRepeat steps 1-3 for the other footplate extension Tighten Crossbraces Adjust wheel LocksDo-It-yourself Maintenance MAINTeNANCeGeneral Care List of ToolsCheck Anti-Tippers Check Tire wearCheck Handrims Check wheel Lock engagementCheck elevating Legrests and optional footrests Check Rear wheel AdjustmentCheck Arms Check Backposts / push HandleCleaning your Traveler HTC Check CastersCheck wheel Bearings Symptom TRoUBLeSHooTINGTraveler HTC Manual Wheelchair LIMITed wARRANTyPage Index