E&J Traveler HTC manual Install Anti-Theft pole

Page 15

Install Anti-Theft pole

M10 wrench, M4 hex key

1.Attach upper pole section to lower pole section using the included M6 bolt and nut as shown at right.

2.Use an M10 wrench and M4 hex key to tighten.

3.Attach the pole assembly to the wheel lock bracket using M6 bolt and nut as shown at right.

4.Use an M10 wrench and M4 hex key to tighten.

upper anti-theft pole



lower anti-theft pole

attach upper and lower

anti-theft poles

wheel lock bracket bolt


install anti-theft pole

3J01-INS-LAB-RevA12 • Traveler HTC User Manual


Image 15
Contents Hospital Transport Chair Manual Wheelchair Contents ReAd this Manual BefoRe opeRATING yoUR wHeeLCHAIR INTRodUCTIoNPage IMpoRTANT SAfeTy pReCAUTIoNS Page Page GeTTING STARTed HANdLING TIpS BALANCeTRANSfeR ACTIvITIeS ReACHING / BeNdING Forward or sidewardBackward RAMpS ANd INCLINeS AscentDescent Curbs ANd STepS ASSeMBLy Install push Handle / Anti-fold Bar Install Anti-Theft pole Install elevating Legrests or optional footrests ReAR wHeeLS & CASTeRS AdJUSTMeNTSRemove Arm Install ArmAttach elevating Legrest or optional footrest ELevATING LeGReST, SwINGAwAyAdjust elevating Legrest panel position Adjust Legrest elevationRepeat steps 1-3 for the other footplate extension Tighten Crossbraces Adjust wheel LocksDo-It-yourself Maintenance MAINTeNANCeGeneral Care List of ToolsCheck Anti-Tippers Check Tire wearCheck Handrims Check wheel Lock engagementCheck elevating Legrests and optional footrests Check Rear wheel AdjustmentCheck Arms Check Backposts / push HandleCleaning your Traveler HTC Check CastersCheck wheel Bearings Symptom TRoUBLeSHooTINGTraveler HTC Manual Wheelchair LIMITed wARRANTyPage Index