9.5.Centre of gravity determination
The aircraft has to be weighed at flight position including pilot and fuel.
Weight on main wheels Weight on tail wheel Total weight
Wheel base
Distance from main wheel centre to leading edge of wing in root point
CG distance from main wheel centre Length of MAC
Length of wing chord in the root area
CG distance from leading edge of wing in root point
Distance from CG to leading edge of MAC
G1 | (kg) |
G2 | (kg) |
G = G1 + G2 | (kg) |
(m) | |
(m) | |
(m) | |
bMAC = 1,032 | (m) |
b = 1,19 | (m) |
sy = 0,088 | (m) |
| |
= 0,19 + 3,7 * G2 / G | (m) |
| |
= 0,102 + 3,7 * G2 / G | (m) |
| |
=9,884 + 358,5 * G2 / G | (%) |
9.6.Useful weight, weight table
Useful weight is a difference between maximum
The useful weight by empty weight ………………………. kg is ………………………. kg.
The weight table
Fuel tank 50 l | Pilot weight kg | CG % MAC | Total weight |
1 l = 0,775 kg | incl. 5 kg luggage |
| of aircraft kg |
¼ ………. 12,5 l |
½ ………. 25,0 l |
¾ ………. 37,5 l |
1 ……….. 50,0 l |