4.2DASCCT_AIC23 Start-Up
1)Execute the software file named DASCCT_AIC23.exe from the directory where the software was loaded.
2)Click the Master or Slave radio button to select the operating mode.
3)Click the AIC 23 or DAC 23 radio button to select the device.
4.3DASCCT_AIC23 Overview
The EQ GUI was designed with a screen resolution of 1152 by 864. Therefore, the windows optimally fit on the screen using this resolution. For a screen resolution of 800 by 600, the main window initializes higher up, toward the center of the screen. All other resolutions initialize at the same coordinates as designed in the 1152 by 864 screen resolution.
4.4 Main Panel
The GUI main panel is shown in Figure
Figure 4–2. Main Panel
4.4.1About Button
The About button is hidden under the TI logo in the upper left corner of the main panel. Pressing this button causes a standard About box to appear with release information about DASCCT_AIC23.
4.4.2AIC 23 and DAC 23 Radio Buttons
These radio button allow selection of the device to be emulated by the TLV320AIC23 EVM2, the codec or the DAC.
4.4.3Master and Slave Radio Buttons
These radio buttons select the operating mode of the device.