•If the other telephones in your home are having the same problem, contact your local telephone company (charges may apply).
•Eliminate any background noise. If you cannot eliminate the background noise, first try muting the handset before dialing, or dialing from another room in your home with less background noise.
There is noise or interference during a telephone conversation. My calls cut in and out when I am using the cordless handset.
•The handset may be out of range. Move it closer to the telephone base.
•Appliances or other cordless telephones plugged into the same circuit as the telephone base can cause interference. Try moving the appliance or telephone base to another outlet.
•Other electronic products can cause interference to your cordless telephone. Try installing your telephone as far away as possible from the following electronic devices: wireless routers, radios, radio towers, pager towers, cellular telephones, digital telephones, intercoms, room monitors, televisions, VCRs, personal computers, kitchen appliances, and other cordless telephones.
•If your telephone is plugged in with a modem or a surge protector, plug the telephone (or modem/surge protector) into a different location. If this doesn’t solve the problem,
•The layout of your home or office might be limiting the operating range. Try moving the telephone base to another location, preferably a higher location for better reception.
•Disconnect the telephone base from the telephone jack and plug in a corded telephone. If calls are still not clear, contact the local telephone company (charges may apply).
•If the other telephones in your home are having the same problem, contact the local telephone company (charges may apply).
•If you subscribe to
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