Call Screening — lets you listen as a caller leaves a message so you can de- cide whether or not to answer the call.
Memo Recording — lets you leave messages for yourself or others in your home or office. You can also record your phone conversation.
Adjustable Ring Number — lets you set the TAD to answer after three or five rings.
We have designed your phone to con- form to federal regulations, and you can connect it to most telephone lines. How- ever, each device that you connect to the phone line draws power from the phone line. We refer to this power draw as the device’s ringer equivalence num- ber, or REN. The REN is on the bottom of the base.
If you are using more than one phone or other device on the line, add up all the RENs. If the total is more than five, your phones might not ring. In rural areas, a total REN of three might impair ringer operation. If ringer operation is impaired, remove a device from the line.
You must not connect your phone to any of the following:
•most electronic key phone systems
Note: Your telephone operates on stan- dard radio frequencies, as allocated by the FCC. Even though the security