Cordless Internet Telephony Kit
Your phone allows you to access your SKYPE voicemail box with just a few presses.
To get a voicemail account, please go to http://www.skype.com/products/skypevoicemail/ for further details.
You have new Voicemail
When there are new voicemails waiting for you, the LED on the handset will be blinking and the Message Waiting Indicator icon will appear on the top line of the display during standby. The LED will be off and the Message Waiting Indicator icon will be gone when there is no more new message in your voicemail box.
Retrieving Voicemail
1.Press MENU.
2.Press Up or Down to select SKYPE. Press OK.
3.Press Up or Down to select VOICEMAIL. Press OK.
4.Press Up or Down to select VIEW. Press OK.
5.Press Up or Down again to select the message you would like to retrieve;
6.Press PLAY to listen to the message.
Chapter 4: Using the Cordless Internet Telephony Kit | 41 |