AeroComm ZB2430 manual Document Information, Copyright 2008 AeroComm, Inc. All rights reserved

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Document Information

Copyright © 2008 AeroComm, Inc. All rights reserved.

The information contained in this manual and the accompanying software programs are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by AeroComm, Inc. AeroComm, Inc. reserves the right to make periodic modifications of this product without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revision. Copying, duplicating, selling, or otherwise distributing any part of this product or accompanying documentation/software without the prior consent of an authorized representative of AeroComm, Inc. is strictly prohibited.

All brands and product names in this publication are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.

This material is preliminary

Information furnished by AeroComm in this specification is believed to be accurate. Devices sold by AeroComm are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its Terms of Sale only. AeroComm makes no warranty, express, statutory, and implied or by description, regarding the information set forth herein. AeroComm reserves the right to change specifications at any time and without notice.

AeroComm’s products are intended for use in normal commercial and industrial applications. Applications requiring unusual environmental requirements such as military, medical life-support or life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without additional testing for such application.

Limited Warranty, Disclaimer, Limitation of Liability

For a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase by the OEM customer, AeroComm warrants the OEM transceiver against defects in materials and workmanship. AeroComm will not honor this warranty (and this warranty will be automatically void) if there has been any (1) tampering, signs of tampering; 2) repair or attempt to repair by anyone other than an AeroComm authorized technician.

This warranty does not cover and AeroComm will not be liable for, any damage or failure caused by misuse, abuse, acts of God, accidents, electrical irregularity, or other causes beyond AeroComm’s control, or claim by other than the original purchaser.

In no event shall AeroComm be responsible or liable for any damages arising: From the use of product; From the loss of use, revenue or profit of the product; or As a result of any event, circumstance, action, or abuse beyond the control of AeroComm, whether such damages be direct, indirect, consequential, special or otherwise and whether such damages are incurred by the person to whom this warranty extends or third party.

If, after inspection, AeroComm determines that there is a defect, AeroComm will repair or replace the OEM transceiver at their discretion. If the product is replaced, it may be a new or refurbished product.

Image 3 AeroComm ZB2430 Document Information, Copyright 2008 AeroComm, Inc. All rights reserved, This material is preliminary
Contents VE R S I O N Sales Technical SupportThis material is preliminary Limited Warranty, Disclaimer, Limitation of LiabilityDocument Information Copyright 2008 AeroComm, Inc. All rights reservedRevision Description Revision HistoryContents ZB2430 Transceiver Module 2 4 3 0 F E a T U R E SE R V I E W Physical SpecificationsB l e 1 Z B 2 4 3 0 Specification s GeneralCertifications N D E F I N I T I O N S SMT Pin Pluggable Type Signal Name FunctionCTS Design NotesHardware Interface I n E e p I n dTerms & Definitions TE R M S & D E F I N IT I O N S TE R MS & D E F in I TI O N S Router Theory of OperationE E 8 0 2 5 & Z I G B E E O V E R V I E W CoordinatorE a T I N G a N E T W O R K End DeviceS h G u r e 1 Z i g B e e N e t w o r k T o p o l o g i e s R E N T / C H I L D R E L a T I O N S H I PT W O R K L I M I T a T I O N S G u r e 2 P a r e n t / C h i l d R e l a t i o n s h i pX i m u m N e t w o r k D e p t h I t N e t w o r k a d d r e s s G B E E a D D R E S S I N GBit Network Addresses I t M a C a d d r e s sB l e 3 D e v i c e T a b l e E x a m p l e S h R o u t i n g a O DZB2430 User’s Manual O a d c a s t T r a n s m i s s i o n s B l e 4 B r o a d c a s t a d d r e s s e s Sending a Broadcast packetBroadcast Address Destination Group I M o d e Serial InterfaceT E R F a C E M O D E S A n s p a r e n t M o d eB l e 5 B a u d R a t e / I n t e r f a c e T i m e o u t R I a L I N T E R F a C E B a U D R a T EUsing a non-standard baud rate T E R F a C E T I M E O U T / R F P a C K E T S I Z EO W C O N T R O L D D a t a B u f f e r a n d R T S D D a t a B u f f e r a n d C T SExamples T W O R K I N GZB2430 User’s Manual E p S l e e p W E R D O W N M O D E SB l e 7 S l e e p M o d e S e t t i n g s C l i c S l e e pTransmitting and Receiving data with a sleeping End Device G u r e 1 1 Z B 2 4 3 0 C o n f i g u r a t i o n F l o w Configuring the ZB2430C O M M a N D S T h e F l y C o n t r o l C o m m a n d sB l e 8 C o m m a n d Q u i c k R e f e r e n c e N F I G U R I N G T H E Z B 2 4 3 M M a N D D E S C R I P T I O N S Write API Control Read Destination AddressAuto Destination Read API ControlWrite Digital Outputs Set Max PowerRead Digital Input Read ADCDiscover Ieee Address of Remote Radio Read 16-bit NWK AddressRead 16-bit NWK Address of Parent Device Discover 16-bit NWK Address of Remote RadioEeprom Byte Read Read TemperatureDiscover Ieee Address & Children of Remote Radio Read VoltageEeprom Byte Write ResetRestore Factory Defaults Soft Reset with NV resetLength Range Default Description Address Bytes Eeprom ParametersParameter Bytes Length Range Default Description AddressZB2430-Q ZB2430-D MAC ID I S e n d D a t a C o m p l e t e API OperationI T r a n s m i t P a c k e t G u r e 1 2 T r a n s m i t a P I p a c k e t f o r m a tG u r e 1 4 R e c e i v e a P I p a c k e t f o r m a t I R e c e i v e P a c k e tZB2430 Addressing Wait for command response Command Definitions A d N e i g h b o r T a b l eG u r e 1 7 R e a d N e i g h b o r T a b l e C o m m a n d V a N C E D N E T W O R K C O M M a N D S G u r e 1 9 R e a d R o u t e T a b l e C o m m a n d A d R o u t e T a b l eG u r e 2 0 R e a d R o u t e T a b l e R e s p o n s e G u r e 2 1 P e r f o r m S c a n C o m m a n d R f o r m S c a nIf Scan Type = 0x00 Byte 8 Channel Number Byte 9 Energy G u r e 2 2 P e r f o r m S c a n R e s p o n s eG u r e 2 3 R e a d R a d i o T a b l e C o m m a n d A d R a d i o T a b l eG u r e 2 4 R e a d R a d i o T a b l e R e s p o n s e Dimensions 2 4 3 0 M E C H a N I C a LG u r e 2 5 Z B 2 4 3 0 M e c h a n i c a l D r a w i n g O D U C T P a R T N U M B E R S Ordering InformationB l e 1 1 Z B 2 4 3 0 a p p r o v e d a n t e n n a L i s t Compliancy InformationE N C Y I D E N T I F I C a T I O N N U M B E R S P R O V E D a N T E N N a L I S TContains FCC ID KQL-ZB2430-100 / KQL-ZB2430D M E Q U I P M E N T L a B E L I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T SM P L I a N C Y I N F or M a T I O N

ZB2430 specifications

The AeroComm ZB2430 is a highly regarded wireless module optimized for Zigbee applications, positioning itself as an ideal solution for connecting devices within the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. With its robust features, advanced technologies, and impressive characteristics, the ZB2430 stands out in the crowded market of low-power, low-data-rate communication devices.

One of the primary features of the AeroComm ZB2430 is its superior range and reliability. Designed to operate in the 2.4 GHz ISM band, the ZB2430 boasts a communication range of up to 1,200 feet line of sight in open environments. This enables seamless connectivity for devices across extensive areas, making it suitable for applications such as remote monitoring and smart home systems. The ZB2430 also employs advanced error correction and data packet acknowledgment techniques, ensuring that data is transmitted accurately and reliably, even in challenging conditions.

Another significant characteristic of the ZB2430 is its low power consumption. Designed for energy efficiency, this module allows devices to operate on battery power for extended periods, which is critical for applications like sensor networks and portable devices. With power-saving modes that can further extend battery life, the ZB2430 is ideal for applications where minimizing energy use is essential.

The ZB2430 also supports a variety of communication protocols, including point-to-point and mesh networking capabilities. The mesh networking feature allows devices to communicate with each other even when they are not within direct range, creating a highly scalable and resilient network. This is particularly beneficial in industrial automation and smart city applications, where reliable communication is paramount.

In terms of integration, the AeroComm ZB2430 is designed with ease of use in mind. It comes in a small form factor that can be easily incorporated into various devices, and it features a simple interface for developers. With its comprehensive documentation and support, developers can quickly implement and deploy Zigbee solutions.

In summary, the AeroComm ZB2430 is a powerful wireless module that excels in providing reliable, low-power, and scalable communication solutions for IoT applications. Its impressive range, energy efficiency, and support for mesh networking make it an attractive choice for developers looking to create innovative and robust wireless systems. Whether in home automation, industrial control, or smart city initiatives, the ZB2430 is poised to play a key role in the future of connected devices.