AeroComm ZB2430 manual Revision History, Revision Description

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Revision History





Version 1.0

7/21/06 - Initial Release Version



Version 1.1

7/25/06 - Updated Pin definitions, corrected status request


command to display 0x00 as firmware version, updated CC 08,


CC 21 and EEPROM byte write commands. Corrected PAN ID


EEPROM address to address 0x78.




Enhancements section.



Version 1.2

9/15/06 - Changed Reset to active Low.

Changed pin 20 to


Sleep pin and is active Low. Added second mechanical





Version 1.3

1/18/07 - Corrected Read Temperature command.


Version 1.4

7/6/07 - Internal Release.



Version 1.5

7/17/07 - Added pinout for pluggable module.


Version 1.6

8/24/07 - Added API command set. Added Neighbor, Route, &


Radio Table commands. Added Energy scan command. Added


NV with soft reset command. Added static network parameters


information. Updated Broadcast section. Updated Serial


Interface section. Updated Channel Mask section. Added


power-down modes. Corrected status request response.


Added MAC retries to EEPROM parameter list.


Version 1.7

Corrected Read Channel Command (was CC 02 00; changed to


CC 02)



Version 1.8

12/17/07 - Updated Compliancy Information. Added approval for


ZB2430-D. Updated Approved Antenna List.


Version 1.9

1/4/08 - Added new EEPROM parameters for firmware version


1.6 - End Device poll rate, Parent Hold Message, End Device


Wake Time, End Device Wake Poll rate, Stop Bit Delay, Modify


Wake upon RX, Reload Sleep, NV Restore enable/disable, &


RS485 DE/RE.



Version 2.0

3/1/08- Updated ZB2430 Features, Updated Current Draw for


High Power module, Updated RF Packet Size in RX Data Buffer


and CTS, Updated Read Digital Input,

Updated Read


Updated Write Digital Output, Removed Discover 16-bit NWK

Address command, Added Read Voltage cmd, Added Restore

Default cmd, Added End-to-End Retries to EEPROM Parameters

Table, Updated CTS On/Off Thresholds, Updated Read

Neighbor Table Command

Image 4
Contents VE R S I O N Technical Support SalesLimited Warranty, Disclaimer, Limitation of Liability Document InformationCopyright 2008 AeroComm, Inc. All rights reserved This material is preliminaryRevision History Revision DescriptionContents 2 4 3 0 F E a T U R E S ZB2430 Transceiver ModuleE R V I E W Specifications B l e 1 Z B 2 4 3 0 Specification sGeneral PhysicalCertifications SMT Pin Pluggable Type Signal Name Function N D E F I N I T I O N SDesign Notes CTSHardware Interface E e p I n d I nTerms & Definitions TE R M S & D E F I N IT I O N S TE R MS & D E F in I TI O N S Theory of Operation E E 8 0 2 5 & Z I G B E E O V E R V I E WCoordinator RouterEnd Device E a T I N G a N E T W O R KS h R E N T / C H I L D R E L a T I O N S H I P G u r e 1 Z i g B e e N e t w o r k T o p o l o g i e sG u r e 2 P a r e n t / C h i l d R e l a t i o n s h i p T W O R K L I M I T a T I O N SX i m u m N e t w o r k D e p t h G B E E a D D R E S S I N G I t N e t w o r k a d d r e s sI t M a C a d d r e s s B l e 3 D e v i c e T a b l e E x a m p l eS h R o u t i n g a O D Bit Network AddressesZB2430 User’s Manual O a d c a s t T r a n s m i s s i o n s Sending a Broadcast packet B l e 4 B r o a d c a s t a d d r e s s e sBroadcast Address Destination Group Serial Interface T E R F a C E M O D E SA n s p a r e n t M o d e I M o d eR I a L I N T E R F a C E B a U D R a T E B l e 5 B a u d R a t e / I n t e r f a c e T i m e o u tT E R F a C E T I M E O U T / R F P a C K E T S I Z E Using a non-standard baud rateO W C O N T R O L D D a t a B u f f e r a n d C T S D D a t a B u f f e r a n d R T ST W O R K I N G ExamplesZB2430 User’s Manual W E R D O W N M O D E S B l e 7 S l e e p M o d e S e t t i n g sC l i c S l e e p E p S l e e pTransmitting and Receiving data with a sleeping End Device Configuring the ZB2430 G u r e 1 1 Z B 2 4 3 0 C o n f i g u r a t i o n F l o wT h e F l y C o n t r o l C o m m a n d s C O M M a N D SB l e 8 C o m m a n d Q u i c k R e f e r e n c e N F I G U R I N G T H E Z B 2 4 3 M M a N D D E S C R I P T I O N S Read Destination Address Auto DestinationRead API Control Write API ControlSet Max Power Read Digital InputRead ADC Write Digital OutputsRead 16-bit NWK Address Read 16-bit NWK Address of Parent DeviceDiscover 16-bit NWK Address of Remote Radio Discover Ieee Address of Remote RadioRead Temperature Discover Ieee Address & Children of Remote RadioRead Voltage Eeprom Byte ReadReset Restore Factory DefaultsSoft Reset with NV reset Eeprom Byte WriteEeprom Parameters Length Range Default Description Address BytesParameter Length Range Default Description Address BytesZB2430-Q ZB2430-D MAC ID API Operation I T r a n s m i t P a c k e tG u r e 1 2 T r a n s m i t a P I p a c k e t f o r m a t I S e n d D a t a C o m p l e t eI R e c e i v e P a c k e t G u r e 1 4 R e c e i v e a P I p a c k e t f o r m a tZB2430 Addressing Wait for command response A d N e i g h b o r T a b l e Command DefinitionsG u r e 1 7 R e a d N e i g h b o r T a b l e C o m m a n d V a N C E D N E T W O R K C O M M a N D S A d R o u t e T a b l e G u r e 1 9 R e a d R o u t e T a b l e C o m m a n dG u r e 2 0 R e a d R o u t e T a b l e R e s p o n s e R f o r m S c a n G u r e 2 1 P e r f o r m S c a n C o m m a n dG u r e 2 2 P e r f o r m S c a n R e s p o n s e If Scan Type = 0x00 Byte 8 Channel Number Byte 9 EnergyA d R a d i o T a b l e G u r e 2 3 R e a d R a d i o T a b l e C o m m a n dG u r e 2 4 R e a d R a d i o T a b l e R e s p o n s e 2 4 3 0 M E C H a N I C a L DimensionsG u r e 2 5 Z B 2 4 3 0 M e c h a n i c a l D r a w i n g Ordering Information O D U C T P a R T N U M B E R SCompliancy Information E N C Y I D E N T I F I C a T I O N N U M B E R SP R O V E D a N T E N N a L I S T B l e 1 1 Z B 2 4 3 0 a p p r o v e d a n t e n n a L i s tM E Q U I P M E N T L a B E L I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S Contains FCC ID KQL-ZB2430-100 / KQL-ZB2430DM P L I a N C Y I N F or M a T I O N

ZB2430 specifications

The AeroComm ZB2430 is a highly regarded wireless module optimized for Zigbee applications, positioning itself as an ideal solution for connecting devices within the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. With its robust features, advanced technologies, and impressive characteristics, the ZB2430 stands out in the crowded market of low-power, low-data-rate communication devices.

One of the primary features of the AeroComm ZB2430 is its superior range and reliability. Designed to operate in the 2.4 GHz ISM band, the ZB2430 boasts a communication range of up to 1,200 feet line of sight in open environments. This enables seamless connectivity for devices across extensive areas, making it suitable for applications such as remote monitoring and smart home systems. The ZB2430 also employs advanced error correction and data packet acknowledgment techniques, ensuring that data is transmitted accurately and reliably, even in challenging conditions.

Another significant characteristic of the ZB2430 is its low power consumption. Designed for energy efficiency, this module allows devices to operate on battery power for extended periods, which is critical for applications like sensor networks and portable devices. With power-saving modes that can further extend battery life, the ZB2430 is ideal for applications where minimizing energy use is essential.

The ZB2430 also supports a variety of communication protocols, including point-to-point and mesh networking capabilities. The mesh networking feature allows devices to communicate with each other even when they are not within direct range, creating a highly scalable and resilient network. This is particularly beneficial in industrial automation and smart city applications, where reliable communication is paramount.

In terms of integration, the AeroComm ZB2430 is designed with ease of use in mind. It comes in a small form factor that can be easily incorporated into various devices, and it features a simple interface for developers. With its comprehensive documentation and support, developers can quickly implement and deploy Zigbee solutions.

In summary, the AeroComm ZB2430 is a powerful wireless module that excels in providing reliable, low-power, and scalable communication solutions for IoT applications. Its impressive range, energy efficiency, and support for mesh networking make it an attractive choice for developers looking to create innovative and robust wireless systems. Whether in home automation, industrial control, or smart city initiatives, the ZB2430 is poised to play a key role in the future of connected devices.