Numbers can be up to 24 digits long and names up to 16 characters long. Entries are stored in alphabetical order.
3.16Storing a phonebook entry as a one touch number
1.Press .
2.Press MENU and then VOL+ or REDIAL/VOL- to select
3.Press /CELLULAR to dial the number from the cellular line.
Instead of scrolling to browse the phonebook entries, press the numeric key corresponding to the first letter of the entry you wish to locate. For example, pressing 2 will show the entries starting with A. Pressing 2 again will show the entries starting with B, etc.
3.Press MENU and then VOL+ or the speed dial key from /
4.Press MENU and then VOL+ or to the entry to want.
5.Press MENU to save.
REDIAL/VOL- to select /1 to WXYZ/9. REDIAL/VOL- to scroll
3.18Caller ID
If you have subscribed to Caller ID, and provided the identity of the caller is not withheld, the number of the caller will be displayed together with the date and time of the call (if provided by the network).
3.17Dialing from the phonebook
1.Press and then scroll VOL+ or REDIAL/VOL- to select the entry you want to dial.
2.Press /FLASH or /SPEAKER to dial the number from the home line.
Using the phone
•If the telephone number is not available for incoming calls, the handset will display UNAVAILABLE.
•If the incoming call is from a withheld telephone number, the handset will display PRIVATE.
•Information about incoming calls will vary by country and network operator. Some operators may charge a subscription for their Caller ID service.