Level | Name | Description |
0 | Emergency | System is unusable. This is the highest debug info level. |
1 | Alert | Action must be taken immediately. |
2 | Critical | Critical conditions. System is probably working incorrectly. |
3 | Error | Error conditions. System may not work correctly. |
4 | Warning | Warning conditions. System may work correctly but needs |
| attention. |
5 | Notice | Normal but significant condition. |
6 | Informational | Normal daily messages. |
7 | Debug | Debug messages normally used by system designer. This level |
| can only be displayed via telnet. |
| Syslog Configuration |
Field Name | Explanation |
Syslog Settings |
Server IP | Syslog server IP address. |
Server Port | Syslog server port. |
MGR Log Level | Set the level of MGR log. |
SIP Log Level | Set the level of SIP log. |
IAX2 Log Level | Set the level of IAX2 log. |
Enable Syslog | Enable or disable syslog. |
Web Capture |
Start | Capture a packet stream from the phone. This is normally used to |
| troubleshoot problems. |
Stop | Stop capturing the packet stream |