5.17 [support] command
•-print: display current SUPPORT values configurations.
•-fstart: enable or disable fast start (support –fstart 0 / 1, 0 for disable and 1 for enable.)
Note: When fast start function is enabled, if user wants to send DTMF message after connection, IP Phone will send out Q.931 message. (Please refer to
sysconf –keypadcommand, which can only set keypad as q.931 message at this time)
•-tunnel: enable or disable H.245 tunnel function.(support –tunnel 0 / 1 , 0 for disable and 1 for enable)
•-h245fs: set if open H.245 separate channel after fast start or not. (support –h245fs 0 / 1 , 0 for open and 1 for not.)
5.18 [bureau] command
Type bureau can display commands below.
•-print: display bureau line information and configuration.
•-hold: set hold tone generation on or off. If other terminals support H.450 hold function, and execute hold function when connecting with SP5100 IP Phone, user will hear hold tone from SP5100 IP Phone. (0 for off,1 for on)