1.2 Appearance
1. Front View and Keypad function
●C: Cancel and Clear
●ÍÎ : Move to left /previous and right / next.
●OK: Press OK to confirm the modification.
●Direct Line (DL) Button 1 – 10: User press DL button to do speed dial according to phone book data
●Number 1
Corresponding list of keypad and symbol:
1“Space” ; “,” ; “.” ; “!” ; “1”
2“A” ; “ B” ; “C” ; “2”
3“D” ; “E” ; “F” ; “3”
4“G” ; “H” ; “I” ; “4”
5“J” ; “K” ; “L” ; “5”
6“M” ; “N” ; “O” ; “6”
7“P” ; “Q” ; “R” ; “S” ; “7”
8“T” ; “U” ; “V” ; “8”