The 'Announce Only' feature plays a prerecorded outgoing message, "Hello, no one is available to take your call. Please call again," but it will not allow the caller to leave a message.
The Message Alert feature lets you know that you have new messages by sounding a short beeping tone. If the Message Alert has been set to 'On' and a new message has been received, the alert tone will sound every 15 seconds. Set the Message Alert tone to 'On' or 'Off' by using the following procedure:
1.Press menu five times. 'Message Alert' is announced and the current setting ([OF] Off or [On] On), and it is displayed on the base.
2.Press or
to select.
3.Press set to select the new setting, a confirmation tone sounds, then the announcement 'Message Alert' and the current setting you have selected is announced. When the first new message is received, the beeping tone will begin to sound.
4.Press /stop to exit menu options.
To quickly turn 'Message Alert' tone off, press any key on the base unit and the tone will automatically deactivate. To reset, go back into the menu setup mode.
When all new messages are played using the remote playback feature (page 28) the 'Message Alert' tone will automatically deactivate.
Page 22
memo |
| ans vol. |
greeting |
delete |
| play/stop |
speaker in use | rep/rew | skip/ff ans on/off |
charge | ||
| menu |
| set/ring |