•FCC Report and Order FCC
•American National Standards Institute
•National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP - 1986)
•International Commission on
Range 30 MHz - 6 GHz
To assure optimal radio performance and to ensure that exposure to RF energy is within the guidelines in the above standards, the following operating procedures should be observed:
When• Holdtransmittingradio
•Keep antenna at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) from your head and body.
• If you wear portable radio on your body, ensure that the antenna is at least one inch (2.5 cm) from your body when transmitting.
Nearly(OHFWURPDJQHWLFevery electronic device,QWHUIHUHQFHis susceptible&RPSDWLELOLW\to electromagnetic interference (EMI) if inadequately shielded, designed or otherwise configured for electromagnetic compat- ibility.
•Turn your radio OFF in any facilities where posted notices instruct you to do so. Hospitals or health care facilities may be using equipment that is sensitive to external RF energy.
•Turn your radio off when on board aircraft when instructed to do so. Any use of the radio must be in accordance with airline regulations or crew instructions.