Provisioning the FTP update server 43
version] folder (named 1.1) within the Root folder of your FTP server for that hardware version as well.
•The [software version] Folder: This folder sits inside the [hardware version] folder - the folder name corresponds to the software version of the IP Phone 1535 update files it contains. You will need a corresponding [software version] folder inside the Root folder for every different software version you wish to make available on your network. That is, if you have an IP Phone 1535 software update with version 0.1.12, you will need to have a corresponding 0.1.12 [software version] folder placed within the [hardware version] folder corresponding to every hardware version of IP Phone installed on your network. If you then also have an IP Phone 1535 software update with version number 0.1.13, you will need to add a second [software version] folder (0.1.13) within the [hardware version] folder corresponding to each IP Phone hardware version.
Example: You have an IP Phone 1535 with hardware version 1.1. In setting up your FTP server for future updates to this IP Phone, you create a [hardware version] folder inside the ROOT Directory, and name it 1.1. Your IP Phone has a current software version of 0.1.12. You have two available updates you wish to host, 0.1.13 and 0.1.14. For each of these software update versions, create a [software version] folder within all [hardware version] folder and place the update files in their respective folders.
FTP software update files
There are three different kinds of files that are required for the firmware update process:
•tar, tar2, tar3: These are the actual software upgrade files that contain the firmware content itself.
•filecheck: the checksum file that confirms the integrity of the software upgrade files.
•FirmwareUpdateRequest.acfg: This is the file that contains hardware and software version numbers for the available firmware updates. The FirmwareUpdateRequest.acfg file is what the IP Phone 1535 uses to compare its current firmware version number against to determine if there are updates available. Should the version number comparison show that an update is available, this file directs the IP Phone to the appropriate folder to initiate the download of the updated software.
Handling the FirmwareUpdateRequest.acfg file
The FirmwareUpdateRequest.acfg file is the most important file in the entire software update process. When the IP Phone 1535 goes to the FTP server to check for available updates, the FirmwareUpdateRequest.acfg file is what it uses to learn if updates are available, and also the location of those update files should a newer version be detected.
Nortel Communications Servers
Nortel IP Phone 1535 Installation and Commissioning
Release 4.0/SN10 28 October 2009
Copyright © 2009, Nortel Networks