I f this answering system does not w o r k properly, try the following suggestions. I f you're still having difficulty, call Lucent Technologies at 1 800
Message Window Is Blank
•Make sure the power cord is securely connected to both the answering system and an electrical outlet not controlled by a wall switch.
Use only the power cord supplied with this product. For a replacement, contact
Lucent Technologies at 1 800
•Press W/dFF\o make sure the system is on.
Messages Are Incomplete
•The system can accept messages up to 3 minutes long. I f a caller leaves a very long message, part of it might be lost when the system disconnects the call after 3 minutes.
•I f the caller pauses for more than 7 seconds, the system stops recording and disconnects the call.
•I f the system's memory fills up during a message, the system stops recording and disconnects the call.
System Does Not Answer After Correct Number Of Rings
•I f the Toll Saver feature is in operation, the number of rings changes from four
to two when you have new messages waiting.
•I n some cases, the system might be affected by the ringing system used by the local telephone company.
•I f the system's memory is full, or the system is off, the system answers after 10 rings.
System Does Not Respond
To Remote Commands
•Make sure you are calling from a touch tone phone. When you dial a number, you should hear tones. I f you hear clicks instead, the phone is not a touch tone telephone.
•The answering system may not detect the Remote Access Code w h i l e you r announcement is playing. Try waiting until the announcement is over before entering the code.
•There may be noise interference on the phone line you are using. Press dial
T)uttons firmly. ~
•Make sure you are entering your Remote Access Code correctly.
•You might be calling from a phone that sends tones too short for your answer- ing system to detect.
Power railure Recovery
I f the system is disconnected from A C power it w i l l not operate. Your announcement and messages are retained in memory during a power failure, but you w i l l need to reset the clock.