Entering Programming Mode
Press: Master Code
Master Code = the current
Exiting Programming Mode
✦NOTE: The
Re-entering a Command After a Mistake
If an incorrect entry, or an incorrect key is pressed during programming, to clear the keypad:
Changing the Master Code
Use this PPN to change the
Press: New Master Code
New Master Code
Setting the Clock And Calendar
The time and date set in the clock and calendar control the system time zones, holiday schedules, and time stamping of the event log. The GTZ setting controls when the downlight is on. The

Day of Week

Day of Week: 1 = Sun; 2 = Mon; 3 = Tue; 4 = Wed; 5 = Thu; 6 = Fri; 7 = Sat
Month =
Hour =
Minute =
GTZ (Geographic Time Zone): 0 = None (disables nightime keypad lighting); 1 = Eastern; 2 = Central; 3 = Mountain; 4 = Pacifi c; 5 = Alaska; 6 = Hawaii
Setting the Time Zones
Seven time zones are available for restricting access, automatic gate entry, call forwarding schedule, assigning an access groups for transmitters, assigning a temporary entry code, and setting the “Do Not Disturb” schedule. A time zone constrained event will be allowed or occur between the start and end times on the active days selected.
Press: Time Zone Number
Active Days
| Start Hour | Start Minute | AM/PM |
| End Hour |
| |
| |||||
| End Minute | AM/PM |
| ||
Time Zone Number = |
| ||||
Active Days (Enter up to 8 digits): |
| ||||
1 = Sun; 2 = Mon; 3 = Tue; 4 = Wed; 5 = Thu; 6 | = Fri; 7 = Sat; 8 = Holidays | ||||||||
Start Hour = | Start Minute = | AM/PM: 0 = AM; 1 = PM | |||||||
End Hour = | End Minute = |
| AM/PM: 0 = AM; 1 = PM |
Setting the Holiday Days
Up to ten holidays can be programmed. Holidays are used to restrict access on holiday days. If an entry method (code or transmitter) is assigned to a time zone, holidays must be set as an active day to allow access on holidays.
Press: Holiday Number
Holiday Number =
Month =
Day =
Setting the Entry Code Length | Default: 4 digits |
Sets the number of digits for all the entry codes programmed.
Press: Length
Length = 2 - 6 for entry code length
✦NOTE: If the Entry Code Length is going to be changed from the factory default of four digits, make this change fi rst, before programming any entry codes.
Adding a New Entry Code
Use this PPN to add up to 100 entry codes.

Time Zone 
Code = The new entry code:
1 = Relay #1 2 = Relay #2 3 = Both Relays
4 = Latch Relay #1 (no access restrictions, latches relay, unlatch relay by
Time Zone = 0 = no time zone;
If the new entry code chosen is already being used for another entry code, the system will reject the code. A new unique entry code needs to be entered.
✦NOTE: Leading zeros (zeros before the code number, i.e. 0001) do not need to be entered when programming a new entry code. The
Adding a Temporary Entry Code
Temporary entry codes with a starting and ending date can be created to permit limited access. Temporary entry codes will expire and no longer be able to grant access outside the programmed dates and a programmed number of uses. The total number of temporary and regular entry codes cannot exceed 100.
Press: Code
Time Zone
Valid From
Valid Thru
Code = The new entry code:
1 = Relay #1 2 = Relay #2 3 = Both Relays
Time Zone = 0 = no time zone;
Valid Thru = Last date (MMDDYY) the entry code is valid.
If the new temporary entry code chosen is already being used for another entry code, the system will reject the code. A new unique temporary entry code needs to be entered.
✦NOTE: Leading zeros (zeros before the code number, i.e. 0001) do not need to be entered when programming a new entry code. The
Removing a Single Entry Code
Use this PPN to delete an entry code.
Press: Code
Code = The entry code to remove.
Erasing All Entry Codes
★WARNING:This command will remove all entry codes.
Press: 000000