9 Redial list
The redial list stores the call history of dialed calls. It includes the names and/or numbers you have called.This phone can store up to 5 redial records.
View the redial records
Redial a call
1 Press REDIAL.
2 Select the record you want to call. Press
»» The number is dialed out.
Save a redial record to the phonebook
1 Press REDIAL to enter the list of dialed calls.
2 Select a record, then Press OK to confirm.
3 Select [SAVE NUMBER], then press OK to confirm.
4 Enter and edit the name, then press OK to confirm.
5 Enter and edit the number, then press OK to confirm.
»» The record is saved.
Delete a redial record
1 Press REDIAL to enter the list of dialed calls.
2 Select a record, then press OK to confirm.
3 Select [DELETE], then press OK to confirm.
»» The handset displays a confirmation
4 Press OK to confirm.
»» The record is deleted.
Delete all redial records
1 Press REDIAL to enter the list of dialed calls.
2 Press OK to enter the options menu.
3 Select [DELETE ALL], then press OK to confirm.
4 The handset displays a confirmation request.
5 Press OK to confirm.
»» All records are deleted.
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