Direct RemoteOperation(cont.)
Resettingthe ICMtapefor future message
After listeningto the recorded messages,you can resetthe ICMtape and recordnew
messagesfromthe beginning. "TheICMtape is full! l'dbetter
When the recordedmessageshave been playedback or whilethey are being played:
"Reset"willbe announced.
fDEn Theunitwillrewindthetapeto the
LlJ beginning.
Futuremessageswill be recordedandthe oldmessageswillbe lost.
Resettingthe tape after you have used Memory Playback
Recordingyour messagewithoutlisteningto the
You can recorda messagedirectlywithoutlisteningto the OGM.
1 whiletheOGMisplaying.
TheOGMwillstop .
1 IbER
"Reset"willbe announced.
Theunitwillrewindthetapeto the beginning of the newlyrecordedmessagesand a beep willbe heard.
Press"3" againafterhearinga beep.
"Reset"willbe announced.
Theunitwillrewindthetapeto thebeginning of the previouslyrecordedmessages.
lf you have reset the tape by mistake
Press"2" afterhearinga beep (thetape has been reset)then hang up.
"Skip" announced. willbe
Thetapewilladvanceto theendof therecordedmessages.
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