Problem | Cause& Remedy |
Cause& RemedY
The unitdoesnotworkwhen I press | Plugin the AC adaptorthen pressthe |
I pressthebuttonofa remote
I tv"t " surethatyouareentering
| I |
anybutton. | I pOWfn ON/OFFbuttontoturnon | |
| theunit. |
The unithasbeensetto the answer | .tne cassettetapeis cut or is not | |
mode,butno IncomingMessagesare | I | insertedInsert.thetapeor replaceit |
recorded. | I | witha newone. |
| oTheOGMis recordedimproperly. |
| Recorda newOGM. |
| oTherecordingtimemodeis setto |
| "Announce |
| only"(Seepage17 and |
| 1 8 . ) . |
t telephone,buttheunitdoesnot
# respond.
I yort correctremotecodenumber'
I tRecordtheOGMina quietplace'*
oln someareas,a remotetouchtone phonemay notfunctiondue to telephonelineconditionssuchas linenoise,echo,etc.
oThe unitmay not respondil a touch tonetelephoneproducestonesthat are too shortto activatethe unit.
Whenyou pressanybutton,Press firmly.
The unitdoesnotfunction.However, | .The cassettetapemightbe broken. | |
6 beepssoundandthe displayshows | I | Replaceit witha newone. |
"Err". | .Cleanthe heads.(Seepage | |
| 82.) | |
Whilerecordingan OGM,6 beeps | I | |
"Please |
| |
andtheannouncement | I andloudly,anddo notpauseforover | |
recordyourOutgoingMessageagain" 2 secondswhilerecording. | ||
are heardandthe displayshows |
"Err". |
Whenthecassettetapels played | I Cleanthe heads.(Seepage82.) | |
back,the soundlevelis low,evenif |
the VOLUMEcontrolis turnedup fully.
anddaywhenI presstheTIMEDAY
My pagerringsrepeatedly(When. the
pager'snumberisstoredasthe transfernumber.)
.Set thetimeanddayagain. (S"" pages11 and12.)
IoAdjustthevolumecontrol. I See NOTEon page 57.
Ihaveplayedbackallthe recorded messagesand lwant to recordthe nextphonecallafterthe last previouslyrecordedmessages.
Some lCMshavenot beenrecorded up to theirend.
ICMtransfercannotbe done.
.Wait for 7 seconds.The unitwillbe
Ireadyto recordthe nextphonecall. I .ln caseof remoteoperation,just
I hangup.
ISetthe CpC modeto "B". I (Seepages13and't4.)
ITelephonenumberhasnotbeen storedintothe transfermemory station.
Makesurethatthetransfermodeis set.(Seepages56 and58.)
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