Uniden DS70 manual Any key Answer, Auto talk Auto Standby

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Congratulationsyourpurchaseof theUnidenDS70cordlesstelephoneThis. phoneisdesignedforreliability,longlifeandoutstandingperformanceutilising

thelatestin 900MHz DigitalSpreadSpectrumTechnology.


. 15channels(Aust),7 channels(NZ)

. 900MHz Digital SpreadSpectrumTechnology

. 20 Memory Dials(16 digitsmaximumper memory)

. 32Digit Redial

. Redial,Flashand PauseDialling

. ToneDialling

. CallWaitingCompatible

. Page

. 14-DayStandbyBatteryTime

. 4-HourTalkTime

. HandsetEarpieceand RingerVolumeControl

. HearingAid Compatible

. Auto talk

. Auto Standby

. Any key Answer

DigitalSpreadSpectrumTechnologyutilises a digital transmission

and a "wider frequency band" compared to. a "single narrow band" 30/39 Standard Analogue transmission. The result is a more secure conversation with the clarity of digital sound, extended range, and minimal interference from other cordless phones.

Random Code TMdigitalsecurity automatically selects one of over 16million

codes for the handset and base. This feature prevents unauthorised calls as a result

of your Iphone being activated by other equipment.


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Contents Page Contents Precaution WallplateImportantsafetyinstructions Radio Interference Telephone Line ProblemsImportantelectricalconsiderations More Than One PhoneAny key Answer Auto talk Auto StandbyHandsetBase Long Telephone Cord/Plug Desk StandBelt Clip Wallinstallation QEJ IC D Installing the Handset Battery Pack Place the handset on the baseAdjusting ringer volume CleaningthebatterycontactsLow battery indicator Adjusting ringer toneTo remove the beltclip InstallingthebeltclipTo attach the beltclip To releaseHeadsetinstallation AutomaticdigitalcodesecurityTalk/Endonthe handsetand In use Making and Receiving Calls Basic phone operationPause For New Zealand Version Sing the Call Wait feature For Australian Version Using the Call Wait featureCallwaiting Changing a Stored Number from Memory Storinga Phonenumberin MemoryDIALLINGA. NUMBERIN.MEMORY Make surethe handset is in standbymode In Use lightis OFFWAY Chat Function Conferencing To split up the 3 Way ChatQuick Reference Chart ProblemGeneral Warranty ElementCONTROLS&FUNCTIONS