Press MANUAL to stop on a channel while scanning. Press SCAN to resume scanning.
Locking/Unlocking Banks
When you are scanning conventional banks, the scanner displays the digit corresponding to all unlocked banks. To lock out a bank so that the scanner does not scan its channels, press the letter that corresponds to the bank. The bank’s letter disappears from the display.
To unlock
Note: You cannot lock out all banks. One bank must be unlocked at all times.
Locking/Unlocking Channels
To lock out a channel so that the scanner does not stop on it while scanning, press L/O when the scanner is stopped on that channel, or manually select the channel and press L/O.
To unlock the channel, manually select it and press L/O again.
Restoring All Locked Out Channels
You can restore all
1.If you
2.Press MANUAL.
3.Hold down L/O for about 2 seconds. The scanner beeps twice and unlocks all channels.
Priority Scanning
When priority scan is turned on, the scanner checks the priority channels in the unlocked banks every 2 seconds between transmissions. If a signal is present on a priority channel, the scanner switches to monitor that transmission, even if it had been stopped on another channel. One channel in each bank is designated as the priority channel.
To turn priority scan on or off, press PRI. PRIORITY appears (if priority scan is on) or disappears (if priority scan is off).
Note: If all priority channels in unlocked banks are locked out, P CH LOC0 T appears when you try to turn on the priority scan mode.