Table 1-3. General Specifications (Continued)


HP￿ FAX+700


HP￿ FAX-750

HP￿ FAX+900


HP￿ FAX+950









Product￿ Dimensions

Width￿ 345.4￿ mm


Width￿ 429.3￿ mm

Width￿ 401￿ mm


Width￿ 478￿ mm


(13.6￿ in)


(16.9￿ in)

(15.8￿ in)


(18.8￿ in)


Height￿ 218.4￿ mm


Height￿ 218.4￿ mm

Height:￿ 267￿ mm


Height:￿ 267￿ mm


(8.6￿ in)


(8.6￿ in)

(10.5￿ in)


(10.5￿ in)


Depth￿ 330.2￿ mm


Depth￿ 330.2￿ mm

Depth:￿ 597￿ mm


Depth:￿ 597￿ mm


(13￿ in)


(13￿ in)

(23.5￿ in)


(23.5￿ in)

Product￿ Weight

8.99￿ kg￿ (19￿ lb)


9.46￿ kg￿ (20￿ lb)


8.6￿ kg￿ (19￿ lb)


8.6￿ kg￿ (19￿ lb)


(excluding￿ paper)


(excluding￿ paper)

(excluding￿ paper)












Operating￿ Temper+

0￿_C￿ to￿ 40C￿

0￿_C￿ to￿ 40C￿

5￿_C￿ to￿ 35C

5￿_C￿ to￿ 35C￿

ature￿ (Electronics)

32￿_F￿ to￿ 104F￿

32￿_F￿ to￿ 104F￿

41￿_F￿ to￿ 95F￿

41￿_F￿ to￿ 95F￿

Optimum￿ Operating

15￿_C￿ to￿ 35C￿￿


15_￿C￿ ￿ to￿￿_35C

15￿_C￿ ￿ to￿￿_35C

15￿_C￿ ￿ to￿￿_35C


59￿_F￿ to￿ 95F￿

59￿_F￿ to￿ 95￿ F

59￿_F￿ to￿ 95￿ F

59￿_F￿ to￿ 95￿ F


-40￿_C￿ to￿ 75C￿

-40￿_C￿ to￿ 75C￿

-30￿_C￿ to￿ 60C￿

-30￿_C￿ to￿ 60C￿


-40￿_F￿ to￿ 167F￿

-40￿_F￿ to￿ 167F￿

-22￿_F￿ to￿ 140F￿

-22￿_F￿ to￿ 140F

Operating￿ Humidity

15%￿ to￿ 95%￿ RH


15%￿ to￿ 95%￿ RH


20%￿ to￿ 70%￿ RH


20%￿ to￿ 70%￿ RH

Optimum￿ Humidity

20%￿ to￿ 80￿ %￿ RH


20%￿ to￿ 80￿ %￿ RH

20%￿ to￿ 80￿ %￿ RH

20%￿ to￿ 80￿


5%￿ to￿ 95%￿ RH


5%￿ to￿ 95%￿ RH


5%￿ to￿ 80%￿ RH


5%￿ to￿ 80%￿ RH












Configuration￿ Battery

Maintains￿ dialing


Maintains￿ dialing

Maintains￿ dialing



and￿ configuration


and￿ configuration

and￿ configuration





memory￿ for￿ at￿ least

memory￿ for￿ at￿ least

memory￿ for￿ at


and￿ configura3


10￿ days.￿ Requires


10￿ days.￿ Requires

least10￿ days.


tion￿ memory￿ for


2￿ days￿ of￿ power￿ on

2￿ days￿ of￿ power￿ on

Requires￿ 2￿ days

at￿ least￿ 10￿ da


to￿ fully￿ charge￿ the


to￿ fully￿ charge￿ the

of￿ power￿ on￿ to


Requires￿ 2￿ days




fully￿ charge￿ the

of￿ power￿ on￿ to






fully￿ charge￿ the











100￿ 3￿ 127￿ Vac


100￿ 3￿ 127￿ Vac


108￿ 3￿ 132￿ Vac￿ or

108￿ 3￿ 132￿ Vac





200￿ 3￿ 240￿ Vac


200￿ 3￿ 240￿ Vac





(dependent￿ on

(dependent￿ on





country￿ version)

country￿ version)

This￿ table￿ is￿ continued￿ on￿ the￿ next￿ page

Product Information 1￿11