Product Specifications

Product specifications for the HP facsimile machines are provided in Table 1-3, Table 1-4, and T

Table 1-3. General Specifications


HP￿ FAX%700

HP￿ FAX-750

HP￿ FAX%900

HP￿ FAX%950








CCITT￿ Group￿ 3

CCITT￿ Group￿ 3

CCITT￿ Group￿ 3

CCITT￿ Group￿ 3

Transmission￿ Speed

9￿ seconds￿ using

9￿ seconds￿ using

12￿ seconds￿ using 12￿ seconds￿ us3


Chart￿ No.￿ 1*,￿ mem3 Chart￿ No.￿ 1,￿ mem3

Chart￿ No.￿ 1,￿ mem3 ing￿ Chart￿ No.￿ 1,


ory￿ to￿ memory,

ory￿ to￿ memory,

ory￿ to￿ memory,

memory￿ to


Standard￿ resolu3

Standard￿ resolu3

Standard￿ resolu3

memory,￿ Stan3





dard￿ resolution

Coding￿ Scheme

Modified￿ Huffman

Modified￿ Huffman

Modified￿ Huffman

Modified￿ Huff3





man￿ ￿MH￿


Modified￿ Read

Modified￿ Read

Modified￿ Read

Modified￿ Read







Modified￿ Modified

Modified￿ Modified

Modified￿ Modified

Modified￿ Modi3


Read￿ ￿MMR￿

Read￿ ￿MMR￿

Read￿ ￿MMR￿

fied￿ Read







Group￿ 3:￿V.29,￿


V.27￿ ter￿ with￿ fall3


back￿ function￿ and


V.21￿ channel


No.￿ 2

Group￿:￿3V.29,￿ V.27


Group￿ 3:￿V.29,

ter￿ with￿ fallback

￿ V.27￿ ter￿ with

￿ V.27￿ ter￿ with

function￿ and￿ V.21

fallback￿ function

fallback￿ function

channel￿ No.￿ 2

and￿ V.21￿ chan3

￿ and￿ V.21


nel￿ No.￿ 2


channel￿ No.￿ 2

Modem￿ Speed

9600,￿ 7200,￿ 4800,

9600,￿ 7200,￿ 4800,


9600,￿ 7200,￿ 4800,

9600,￿ 7200,


2400￿ bps

2400￿ bps


2400￿ bps


4800,￿ 2400￿ bps

Dialing￿ Memory

50￿ stations￿ ￿10

50￿ stations￿ ￿10


50￿ stations￿ ￿16


100￿ stations￿ ￿24


one3touch￿ num3

one3touch￿ num3


one3touch￿ num3


one3touch￿ num3


bers￿ and￿ 40￿ auto3

bers￿ and￿ 40￿ auto3

bers￿ and￿ 34


bers,￿ 4￿ program


dial￿ numbers.￿

dial￿ numbers￿.


speed￿ dial


keys,￿ and￿ 72


Each￿ station￿ can

Each￿ station￿ can


numbers.￿￿ Each


speed3dial￿ num3


store￿ up￿ to￿ 36

store￿ up￿ to￿ 36


station￿ can



bers.￿￿ Each￿ sta3


characters￿ per

characters￿ per


store￿ up￿ to￿ 36



tion￿ can￿ store￿ up


telephone￿ number

telephone￿ number


characters￿ per


to￿ 36￿ characters


￿digits,￿ pauses,

￿digits,￿ pauses,


telephone￿ num3


per￿ telephone


and￿ spaces￿￿ and

and￿ spaces￿￿ and


ber￿ ￿digits,



number￿ ￿digits,


up￿ to15￿ char3￿

up￿ to￿ 15￿ char3


pauses,￿ and


pauses,￿ and


acters￿ per￿ name

acters￿ per￿ name


spaces￿￿ and￿ up


spaces￿￿ and￿ up




to￿ 15￿ characters

to￿ 15￿ characters




per￿ name.

per￿ name

Image￿ Memory

12￿ pages￿ ￿256

12￿ pages￿ ￿256


12￿ pages￿ ￿256


28￿ pages￿ ￿512


KB￿ internal

KB￿ internal


KB￿ internal


KB￿ internal


memory￿,￿ based

memory￿,￿ based


memory￿,￿ based


memory￿,￿ based


on￿ Chart￿ No.￿ 1

on￿ Chart￿ No.￿ 1


on￿ Chart￿ No.￿ 1

on￿ Chart￿ No.￿ 1


at￿ standard￿ resolu3

at￿ standard￿ resolu3

at￿ standard￿ resolu3

at￿ standard￿ re3






1￿10 Product Information

Page 15
Image 15
HP FAX-700 manual Product Specifications, Specification HP FAX%700 HP FAX-750 HP FAX%900 HP FAX%950