HP FAX-700 manual Document in Tray, HP FAX-900 and FAX-950 Document OUT Tray Installation

Models: FAX-700

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HP FAX-900 and FAX-950 Document OUT Tray Installation

With the tabs on the document OUT tray pointing down as shown in Figure 2-26, DETAIL A, install t panel of the fax machine as shown in Figure 2-26, DETAIL B.






Figure 2,26.￿ Installing￿ the￿ HP￿ FAX,900￿ and￿ FAX,950￿ Document￿ OUT￿ Tray￿ (HP￿ FAX,950￿ Shown)

Document IN Tray

HP FAX-700 and FAX-750 Document IN Tray Extension

To extend the document IN tray in the HP FAX-700 and FAX-750 fax machines,flip the document IN tray extend er up and back toward the rear of the fax machine. See Figure 2-27.


Figure 2,27.￿ Extending￿ the￿ HP￿ FAX,700￿ and￿ FAX,750￿ Document￿ IN￿ Tray

Installation and Configuration 2￿19

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HP FAX-700 manual Document in Tray, HP FAX-900 and FAX-950 Document OUT Tray Installation