HP FAX-700 manual TwoDigit Code Initialize Mode Description

Models: FAX-700

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3.Press L“ .”

4.With the message window showing TEST MODE NO.= (ENTER 0 - 10), press 6 to select test mode 6.

5.Press Start.

6.Press￿or￿to select the desired memory setting to initialize. (See note for alternative


If you choose the “SHIPMENT SET” selection, the message “RESET COUNTER?


(1:YES 2:NO)” appears. Enter the desired response. Then proceed to step 7.

7. Press Start.


If you chose the “ALL JOBS CLEAR” or the “SHIPMENT SET” selection, the fax machine will


completely initialize the RAM, run the self-test, and return to standby mode.


needed in those cases.

8. Press the Stop button twice to return to standby mode.

Table 5-32. RAM Initialization Table






Initialize￿ Mode







Shipment￿ Setting￿ (A)

Deletes￿ all￿ setting￿ information￿ except￿ for￿ function￿ parame3



ters￿ 080￿ and￿ 081,￿ then￿ sets￿ default￿ values.


Shipment￿ Setting￿ (B)

Deletes￿ all￿ setting￿ information￿ except￿ for￿ function￿ parame3



ters￿ 061,￿ 080,￿ and￿ 081,￿ then￿ sets￿ default￿ values.


Manufacturing￿ Setting

Sets￿ manufacturing￿ testing￿ values.￿ Usedonly ￿during



manufacturing.￿Initializing￿ to￿ this￿ setting￿ will￿ render￿ your



fax￿ machine￿ unusable.

19 All￿ jobs￿ clear

13One3touch/Speed￿ dial￿ clear

12Journal￿ Clear

:Parameter￿ Initialize

10 Logo/ID/Password￿ clear

Clears￿ all￿ jobs.

Clears￿ one3touch￿ and￿ speed3dial￿ numbers.

Clears￿ contents￿ of￿ journals.

Restores￿ parameter￿ settings￿ to￿ default￿ values.

Clears￿ the￿ logo,￿ ID,￿ and￿ polling￿ password.

Test Mode 7 (Factory Only) on the HP FAX-900 and FAX-950

Test mode 7 is used for factory or repair center testing.

Test Mode 9 (Testing Image Memory) on the HP FAX-900 and FAX-950

Test mode 9 is entered for each fax machine as shown at the beginning of this section. After th the message window will identify any image memory test errors and indicate whether it (document memory on the logic PCA or an optional memory error (document memory on the o

5￿66 Problem Resolution

Page 241
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HP FAX-700 manual TwoDigit Code Initialize Mode Description, Test Mode 7 Factory Only on the HP FAX-900 and FAX-950