
Avoid liquid spills. Electrical devices can be hazardous when wet. If a spill


splashed liquids from hands and electrical cords. Disconnect the fax mach


outlet and telephone line. Have the fax machine serviced before attempting t


ter 5 of this guide contains information for troubleshooting and obtaining




Interior Maintenance

To maintain consistent print quality, replace the print cartridge at least every three mont cartridge, you should clean any excess ink from the service station cap and wiper. If you s copies or on documents sent by your fax machine, you should clean the scanning plate an

You should replace your paper separator when the fax machine has trouble picking up sing described on the following pages to perform these functions.


Turn off the fax machine before performing any interior maintenance.

Replacing the Paper SeparatorReferPadto.the procedures in chapter 2 to replace the paper separ

Cleaning the Scanning Plate and Scanning Glass on the HP FAX-700 and FAX-750. To clean the scanning plate and scanningperformglass,the following procedure:

1. Turn off the fax machineOpen the. ADF. See Figure 3-15.


Figure 3￿15.￿ Opening￿ the￿ ADF￿ Door￿ on￿ the￿ HP￿ FAX￿700￿ and￿ FAX￿750


The scanning glass can be easily scratched. Be sure to use a clean, soft clot


area gently while performing step 2.




Operation and Usage 3￿57

Page 129
Image 129
HP FAX-700 manual Interior Maintenance, Opening the ADF Door on the HP FAX700 and FAX750