
Figure 2'17.￿ Pulling￿ Out￿ the￿ Paper￿ Tray￿ Supply￿ Extender￿ (HP￿ FAX'700￿ and￿ FAX'750)

3.Slide the paper guide to the left if you are using U.S. letter (8.5 in. by 11 in.) or U.S. legal (8.5 in. paper. Slide the paper guide to the right if you are using metric A4 size (210 mm by 297 mm) Figure 2-18.

U.S. Letter or Legal



Figure 2'18.￿ Adjusting￿ the￿ Paper￿ Guide￿ (HP￿ FAX'700￿ and￿ FAX'750)

4.Take out a 1/2-inch (12.7 mm) stack of paper (about 100 sheets) and tap the paper edges on a f “even” the stack. See Figure 2-19.


You can use US Legal, US Letter, or A4 paper size. When you change paper size, be s


change the paper size in the Settings Menu (parameter 14). Settings (parameters)


chapter 4 of this guide.




2￿14 Installation and Configuration

Page 39
Image 39
HP FAX-700 manual Letter or Legal