Connecting an Answering Machine to the HP FAX-700 and FAX-750

Connect an answering machine to your fax if you want to receive both voice telephone cal line, or have your fax take fax calls and the answering machine take voice calls.

Note You can not useRemotethe Turn-oronOutgoing-message-featuresonlyof your answering ma chine when you connect it to your fax machine. If your answering machine c ber of rings before answering, set it to answer in less than eight rings.

Connect the telephone cord from the answering machine to one of the TEL connectors on t chine. See Figure 2-42. The HP FAX-700 is shown in Figure 2-38, but the method of connection is the sam FAX-750.


Figure 2￿42.￿ Connecting￿ the￿ HP￿ FAX-700￿ to￿ an￿ Answering￿ Machine

To set up the appropriate mode of reception, refer to the information under the heading, “Man Setting the Reception Mode on the HP FAX-700 and FAX-750”, given later in this chapter. The mode of depends on the devices you have connected to your fax.

Installation and Configuration 2￿33

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HP manual Connecting the HP FAX-700 to an Answering Machine