HP FAX-700 manual HP FAX-900 User Interface Controls

Models: FAX-700

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Table 3-2. HP FAX-900 User Interface Controls

Control￿ Panel￿ Item





Message￿ Window

Shows￿ the￿ date￿ and￿ time￿ in￿ standby￿ mode.￿ Shows￿ relevant￿ infor6


mation￿ during￿ operations.￿ Shows￿ information￿ codes￿ for￿ diagnosing



One-Touch￿ Keypad

Sixteen￿ buttons￿ that￿ can￿ be￿ programmed￿ for￿ one6touch￿ dialing


or￿ used￿ to￿ enter￿ alphabetic￿ characters￿ when￿ forming￿ logos￿ or￿ sta6


tion￿ names.￿ The￿ user￿ can￿ print￿ a￿ one6touch￿ directory￿ sheet￿ with


one6touch￿ numbers￿ and￿ station￿ names.

Numeric￿ Keypad

Twelve￿ buttons￿ used￿ for￿ direct￿ dialing,￿ storing￿ numbers,￿ and￿ select6


ing￿ functions.

Menu￿ Button

Starts￿ an￿ operation￿ or￿ changes￿ fax￿ settings.￿ For￿ example,￿ the￿ first


step￿ in￿ selecting￿ a￿ test￿ mode￿ is￿ pressing￿ the￿ Menu￿ button.

Contrast￿ <￿ Button

Selects￿ the￿ contrast￿ of￿ the￿ scanned￿ document￿ (Normal,￿ Darken,


or￿ Lighten)￿ for￿ a￿ single￿ transmission.￿ The￿ default￿ setting￿ is￿ •Normal"


contrast￿ (Normal￿ LED￿ on).


This￿ button￿ also￿ functions￿ as￿ a￿ left￿ arrow￿ (<)￿ when￿ editing￿ informa6


tion￿ in￿ the￿ message￿ window.

Resolution￿ >￿ Button

Selects￿ the￿ resolution￿ of￿ the￿ sending￿ document￿ (Standard￿ or￿ Fine)


for￿ a￿ single￿ transmission.￿ The￿ default￿ setting￿ is￿ •Standard"


(Standard￿ LED￿ on).


This￿ button￿ also￿ functions￿ as￿ a￿ right￿ arrow￿ (>)￿ when￿ editing￿ informa6


tion￿ in￿ the￿ message￿ window.


Selects￿ photo￿ mode￿ for￿ a￿ single￿ transmission￿ for￿ improved


image￿ quality￿ of￿ photographs￿ and￿ documents￿ with￿ shades￿ of￿ gray


when￿ scanning.


This￿ button￿ also￿ functions￿ as￿ a￿ up6arrow)￿ when￿ ( ￿ editing￿ informa6


tion￿ in￿ the￿ message￿ window.

￿￿ Button

Functions￿ as￿ a￿ down6arrow)￿ (when￿ editing￿ infor6


mation￿ in￿ the￿ message￿ window.

Memory￿ Button

Stores￿ a￿ document￿ in￿ memory.

Redial/Pause￿ Button

Redials￿ a￿ previously￿ entered￿ telephone￿ number￿ or￿ enters￿ a￿ pause


when￿ dialing￿ or￿ storing￿ a￿ telephone￿ number.

Flash￿ Button

Some￿ PBX￿ systems￿ require￿ a￿ flash￿ signal￿ to￿ access￿ outside￿ lines.


the￿ flash￿ feature￿ lets￿ you￿ use￿ the￿ fax￿ machine￿ with￿ those￿ PBX



Speed￿ Dial￿ Button

Used￿ to￿ select￿ the￿ speed6dial￿ abbreviated￿ dialing￿ method.￿ After￿ pres6


ing￿ the￿ speed￿ dial￿ button,￿ a￿ two6digit￿ code￿ must￿ be￿ entered￿ to


identify￿ the￿ station￿ being￿ called.

Dial/Space￿ Button

Used￿ to￿ start￿ manual￿ dialing￿ and￿ to￿ enter￿ a￿ space￿ when￿ storing￿ a


telephone￿ number.

Operation and Usage 3￿9

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HP FAX-700 manual HP FAX-900 User Interface Controls