HP manual Print Cartridge Installation the HP FAX-700 and FAX-750

Models: FAX-700

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Figure 2%10.￿ Print￿ Cartridge￿ Installation￿ on￿ the￿ HP￿ FAX%900￿ and￿ FAX%950

7.Close the back cover.

Print Cartridge Installation the HP FAX-700 and FAX-750


Handle the print cartridge only by thetakegreencaretopnotandto touch the ink nozzles or


copper contactswhile performing step 4.

To install or change the printperformcartridge,the following steps:

1.Ensure that the automatic document feed cover is closed. If necessary, press down u closed.

2.Switch ON ( I) the fax and open the top cover.

3.If a cartridge is already installed, remove it. See Figure 2-11.

Figure 2%11.￿ Opening￿ the￿ Top￿ Cover￿ on￿ the￿ HP￿ FAX%700￿ and￿ FAX%750

Installation and Configuration 2￿9

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HP manual Print Cartridge Installation the HP FAX-700 and FAX-750