Table 1-6. Paper Specifications

Paper￿ Size

U.S.￿ letter￿ (8￿ 1/2￿ in￿ x￿ 11￿ in)


U.S.￿ legal￿ (8￿ 1/2￿ in￿ x￿ 14￿ in)


A4￿ (210￿ mm￿ x￿ 297￿ mm)

Effective￿ Printing￿ Width

See￿ Figure￿105￿ and￿ Figure￿106

Paper￿ Type

Cut￿ sheet

Cut￿ Edge￿ Conditions

Sharp￿ blade￿ cut,￿ with￿ no￿ visible



Finishing￿ Dimensions

0.0313￿ inch￿ of￿ nominal,


corners￿ 90￿￿ 0.20

Paper￿ Grain

Long￿ grain

Moisture￿ Content

4%￿ to￿ 6%￿ by￿ weight


84%￿ minimum


Polylaminated￿ moisture0proof


ream￿ wrap

Paper￿ weight

2 (

60￿ to￿ 90￿ g/m￿16￿ lb￿ to￿ 24￿ lb)

Wax￿ Pick

2￿ inch￿ minimum￿ (Dennison)

When loading paper into the fax, observe the following precautions:

DHandle all paper by the edges only

DLoad all paper types the same way

DUse only one paper type in the printer’s paper tray at a time

DAlways load paper print side up in the media tray

Plain paper has a print side which is not visible to the naked eye, so before removing paper fr the printer, check the outside package label. The print side will be indicated by an arrow o

Avoid the following types of media:




g/m(16 lb)

Paper greater than(2490 lb)g/mor less than 60


DPaper with cutouts or perforations

DMultiple part forms

DPaper sizes other than those listed in this document

Product Information 1￿15

Page 20
Image 20
HP FAX-700 manual Paper Specifications