Table 3-1. HP FAX-700 and HP FAX-750 User Interface Controls

Control￿ Panel￿ Item





￿essage￿ Window

Shows￿ the￿ date￿ and￿ time￿ in￿ standby￿ mode.￿ Shows￿ relevant￿ infor1


mation￿ during￿ operations.￿ Shows￿ information￿ codes￿ for￿ diagnosing




Ten￿ buttons￿ that￿ can￿ be￿ programmed￿ for￿ one1touch￿ dialing


The￿ user￿ can￿ print￿ a￿ one1touch￿ directory￿ sheet￿ with


one1touch￿ numbers￿ and￿ station￿ names￿ by￿ pressing￿ the


Reports/Space￿ button,￿ sellecting￿ choice￿ ￿,￿ and￿ pressing￿ the


Enter/￿onitor￿ button.

Alpha1Numeric￿ Keypad

Twelve￿ buttons￿ used￿ for￿ direct￿ dialing,￿ storing￿ speed￿ dialing


numbers￿ and￿ names,￿ and￿ selecting￿ functions.

Stop￿ Button

Cancels￿ any￿ current￿ activity￿ and￿ returns￿ the￿ fax￿ machine￿ to


standby￿ mode.

Backspace￿ Button

￿oves￿ the￿ cursor￿ right1to1left￿ in￿ the￿ message￿ window￿ erasing


previously￿ typed￿ characters￿ as￿ it￿ does￿ so.

Enter/￿onitor￿ Button

Selects￿ a￿ menu￿ item,￿ saves￿ a￿ setting,￿ or￿ performs￿ an￿ operation.


Also￿ allows￿ the￿ user￿ to￿ hear￿ dialing￿ and￿ phone￿ ringing￿ operations


during￿ fax￿ transmission.

Start/Copy￿ Button

Begins￿ a￿ selected￿ function￿ or￿ operation.￿ Also￿ initiates￿ a


copying￿ operation.

Arrow￿ Buttons

Used￿ to￿ move￿ the￿ cursor￿ in￿ the￿ message￿ window￿ while￿ editing


one1touch￿ and￿ auto￿ dial￿ numbers.

Auto￿ Dial￿ Button

When￿ pressed,￿ this￿ button￿ indicates￿ that￿ an￿ auto1dial￿ or￿ a￿ speed


dialing￿ code￿ will￿ follow.

Store￿ Number￿ Button

Used￿ to￿ edit￿ one1touch￿ and￿ auto￿ dial￿ numbers.

Redial/Pause￿ Button

Redials￿ a￿ previously￿ entered￿ telephone￿ number￿ or￿ enters￿ a￿ pause


when￿ dialing￿ or￿ storing￿ a￿ telephone￿ number.

Report/Space￿ Button

Accesses￿ the￿ reports￿ menus￿ directly￿ from￿ the￿ standby￿ mode￿ or


enters￿ a￿ space￿ when￿ storing￿ a￿ telephone￿ number.￿ The￿ reports￿ menus


available￿ are￿ 1:￿ Last￿ Transaction,￿ ￿:￿ Last￿ ￿￿￿ Transactions,￿ ￿:￿ Auto￿ Dial


Directory,￿ 4:￿ Settings.￿ After￿ pressing￿ this￿ button,￿ select￿ the￿ report￿ by


either￿ browsing￿ through￿ the￿ reports￿ to￿ the￿ report￿ you￿ want￿ or￿ pressing


the￿ number￿ of￿ the￿ report￿ you￿ want.￿ Then￿ press￿ the￿ Enter/￿onitor



￿enu￿ Button

This￿ button￿ causes￿ menus￿ to￿ be￿ displayed￿ in￿ the￿ message￿ window.

3￿6 Operation and Usage

Page 78
Image 78
HP FAX-700 manual Control Panel Item Action