• You must select a |
service from the menu |
before pressing talk . |
Accessing Advanced Calling Features
To access the advanced calling features programmed into your phone, follow the instructions below. General descriptions of each service are given in the following section. For complete instructions for using each service, please contact your local telephone company.
• When using certain |
calling features, local |
toll or long distance |
charges may apply. |
• Certain calling features |
may not be used on |
some long distance |
calls or from certain |
types of business lines. |
voice | caller |
i.d. |
talk |
| call |
int'cm | waiting | |
| select |
1 | 2abc | 3def |
4ghi | 5jkl | 6mno |
7pqrs | 8 tuv | 9wxyz |
1 Press menu . The following screen appears.
2 | Press int’cm/select . |
3 | Use the • or ª key or enter |
NT Service Dial
Memory Edit
NT Service Edit
tone | 0oper | # |
redial | menu memory delete | |
pause |
| channel |
4 Press talk . Talk and the
volume setting appears for a few moments. The display
shows the activation code being dialed.
Only the call return feature can be accessed from the base. (When the access code is programmed. See page 45.)
In the standby mode, press call return .
The programmed code will be dialed.
[ 40 ] A D VA N C E D C A L L I N G F E AT U R E S