Now Playing
Now Playing appears in the Home Menu whenever your Sansa Connect is playing music. It shows information about the current song, artist, and album.
TIP: When in Now Playing, turning the wheel will return to the list you selected the music from.
Playing and Pausing Music
From Now Playing, press PLAY/PAUSE once to pause or resume playing music.
Skipping Songs
To skip back to the beginning of the current song, press REWIND once. Press REWIND again to go to the start of the previous song.1
To skip to the next song, press
Rewinding and Fast Forwarding
To rewind within a song, press and hold REWIND. 1
Using the Options Menu
Press the LEFT BUTTON to display the Options menu, where you can:
•Select Rate Song, Artist, or Album to rate music
•Select Change Shuffle or Repeat to turn shuffle and repeat on or off. 1
•Select Remove this Song to remove this song from the Music Library and skip to the next song. 1
•Select Add Station to Favorites to add the current station to your list of Favorite Stations. (This option only appears when listening to LAUNCHcast radio.)
•Select Go Back to Station List to return to the list where you chose the current LAUNCHcast station. (This option only appears when listening to LAUNCHcast radio.)
•Select Go Back to Song List to return to the list where you chose the current music. 1
1Not available when listening to LAUNCHcast Internet Radio.