MP3 Playback
Advanced Features
Supported formats
Disc format: ISO9660, Joliet
Music file format: MP3
MP3 bit rate (data rate): 32 - 192 kbps
Total number of music files and albums: around 350 per disc.
Sampling rate: (CBR)32kHz/44.1kHz/48kHz/64kHz; (VBR) 16kHz/22kHz/24kHz/32kHz (MPEG)
Note: The player will not identify or play MP3 discs under the following conditions: recording format is not supported, badly scratched or deformed disc, MP3 recorded in
| 056/140 | 0:00:01 | |
01 |
1 | TRACK 01 | 7 | TRACK 07 |
2 | TRACK 02 | 8 | TRACK 08 |
3 | TRACK 03 | 9 | TRACK 09 |
4 | TRACK 04 |
5 | TRACK 05 |
6 | TRACK 06 |
File: Track 01
Total tracks
Elapsed time of the current track
Current track
File name
File window
Press to select the file when the cursor appears in the file window Press ENTER to play the current file selected by the cursor.
Press to switch between the directory window and the file window.
Note: During MP3 playback, Forward Scan and Reverse Scan are not available.